Whats with this stuck in getting inside ladder at 50% loading. -.- I tried everything but still no use, nothing happened. I refreshed my page for several times but when I start logging into the game page it only stops at 50%. ._.
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Stuck at Loading
IGN: (S24)elfstone
Class: Hybrid Ranger (STR builder)
Level: Eidolon (120)
Pet: Super Demon,Fire Lord,Burning Angel Gen2
Server: (S24)Tundara
Spouse: ♥ (S24)Cake ♥
Guild: â€* (S29)UnderWorld â€* :cool:
"Never complain and never explain" by SoFa_kingDom_Potato’̿’̿ ’̿’\̵͇̿̿\з=(•̪â—)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ’̿’
Originally posted by elfstone View PostWhats with this stuck in getting inside ladder at 50% loading. -.- I tried everything but still no use, nothing happened. I refreshed my page for several times but when I start logging into the game page it only stops at 50%. ._.same..i stop doing that after read ppl having the same prob
ur signature is nice "never complain n never explain"
The op has a point, he like many of us are paying money every month to play this game, and when you pay, you fully expect to be able to get what you pay for. In my case, neither can i play and i never recieved my vip crystals i have been getting for months and filing tickets only got me the response that it is being "investigated". that was 3 days ago and still nothing. it is not right to take peoples money and then not fix or at the very least respond as to what is going on. anyone that pays to play has every right to be angry right now, i haven't been able to play for days, and that is just throwing money down the toilet...
Originally posted by XxSourPatch View PostOh you suppose that they have to be perfect! Listen sit back shut up and wait it out! Stop your crying an pouting! "Christ sake"
This poster pays to play and has every right to get what he pays for....
Stuck at ladder and crypt
I stuck at 50% at loading page when enter crypt and ladder.Think there are bug in ladder and crypt map.Will GM do something with this?If there are something GM can do,I hope they do it ASAP.I lost alot of things from exp,badge,soul shard and etc.Really disappointed.And what make me more disappointed is it happened only to some of us.The Lucky one can still do it without any problem...(TALKING ABOUT FAIR PLAY HERE)