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Globe Users who always Disconnected comment here.

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  • #31
    Originally posted by R23052269 View Post
    lets just wait for the dns of globe resets and give us another address, since r2 wont adjust to this matter *sad
    It's not a matter of won't, it's a matter of can't.

    That'd be like if your phone internet service wasn't working right and instead of complaining to your phone provider, you went to complain about it to the app store. They can't help it if there's a problem with the service, the provider is the only one who can.

    If you're having ISP issues, be mad at your ISP for not giving you the service you're paying for and call them up.
    LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

    LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



    • #32
      i had a same problem disconecting in CS games.. GLobe DSL Pro Link is my ISP.. pls help me for that matter.. tnx


      • #33
        globe tattoo


        • #34
          Originally posted by p3pp3rZaM View Post
          globe tattoo
          You do it as he crossed way IP addresses we affected because you R2
          Fix this problem


          • #35
            You do it as he crossed way IP addresses we affected because you R2
            FIX THIS PROBLEM


            • #36
              That's what you get for speaking the "alien language" non stop in the worldchat.
              Stalkers OP.

              Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


              • #37
                LoL i used comodo DNS.. its not working "useless" disconnecting again 3-5 mins. hayzzzzzzzz.. im tired too much wasting dungeon, TG, bath, ladder.. etc..


                • #38
                  the only question here is why only r2website these players have dc problems.. hmmmm
                  have issues and problems with regards to r2games? just click this link


                  • #39
                    Same Prob.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by killua2013 View Post
                      the only question here is why only r2website these players have dc problems.. hmmmm
                      It's probably not just r2, however if it's a hop problem, it wouldn't affect your ability to go to every website. See the network determines how to route you (how to send you across the globe) based on what it determines to be the right path. So it makes you go from one area to another (called a hop) until you reach your destination. There are thousands, if not millions of hops, so the chances that ALL the websites you use will end up having a bad hop are pretty slim. Unless you try every website there is, you probably won't have more than 1-3 websites that give you issues if it's caused by a bad hop.

                      You can think of it this way: If you were trying to drive somewhere and a road was getting people stuck in traffic because of unknown weather damage, it wouldn't affect your ability to drive to every town in the country- just the towns for which you use that road. The internet's quite similar that way. And if the road owner knew about the weather damage, they could block off the road and provide signs to tell people how to go around that road and get to their destinations (similar to how the ISP could block off the hop altogether and route you to another one instead, even if it takes a little longer to load while waiting to fix the broken hop, but they need to know there's something wrong in order to do that)

                      Also, you connect to r2's websites more than you would most other websites. If you're reading a regular website or a blog, for example, you'd connect every time you change the page. So if you're just reading one page, you're only connecting once or twice (ajax not included....). However with CS, you're connecting all the time to receive information about the game, whether it's loading maps or getting chat data, and since it's all flash based over the web, you transfer a lot more data, so if something's wrong with the hop routing, there's more chances for disconnects to happen than if you connected just once or twice.

                      Basically the only way a ISP issue would cause you to have problems with many websites is if something went wrong with the actual cables or satellites or main network center itself that would cause you to not be able to use the internet at all
                      Last edited by (S14)Squintina; 04-29-2013, 09:09 AM.
                      LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

                      LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



                      • #41
                        globe postpaid..


                        • #42
                          oh well maybe, you got a point there but my friend told me that he is playing other browser games, more way getting more downloaded lata than r2 but it was fine .. oh well, seems r2 something telling us that they dont have any issues and even their ISP itself said that connection is fine..maybe someone in their country manage to block or did something to their ISP that made issues to play r2games
                          have issues and problems with regards to r2games? just click this link


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by killua2013 View Post
                            oh well maybe, you got a point there but my friend told me that he is playing other browser games, more way getting more downloaded lata than r2 but it was fine .. oh well, seems r2 something telling us that they dont have any issues and even their ISP itself said that connection is fine..maybe someone in their country manage to block or did something to their ISP that made issues to play r2games
                            if that game's IP is being routed using only stable hops, having more data wouldn't affect them. The data point I was making is just that if there is a bad hop as a possible route, there's more chance of it affecting you. If there's only good hops, it really doesn't matter. However, this all comes down to the ISP, and the ISP might not be testing correctly if people aren't providing enough information. For example, if all people say is that it affects their ability to go to, and not actually give the full address for the server, it might lead to a wrong assessment depending on whether the IP handling is done differently for the actual game servers than for the main website.
                            LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

                            LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



                            • #44
                              Globe - CS connection isnt good maybe? or something is blocking . Getting tired of waiting.



                              • #45
                                Globe isp issues in other games
                                Dragon Pals and Shadowbound Mod and Basic tech support

                                R2 Serrin, My partner and fiancee, RIP 1971-2015
                                Cha bhi fios aire math an tobair gus an trÃ*igh e.

