Hello all i have just one Question i had done in 5 days all My runs in SR nm is 25 runs right (5 Runs on Day ) 0 DC drop wth is wrong ??
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Dragon Crystal Rate drop ?
BTW i was lvl 55 when i start sr runs and all the time 0 DC
( first Run in KD Hard and Get DC finaly)
IGN: (S66)Nuts
Level:Scion 83+ Still working
Weapon: Superior Frag VI
Class:Blood Priest
Wings:Lord Angel Wings+3
Pets: Fire Lord+9 Burning Angel+9
Tenents: Natural master tenents but still work on itSend a ticket if you are having problems :
last few days have been doing
in two days= 10 runs as a Non Vip player attained:
4 runs without buffs, the rest with Zodiac 3x Drop, goddess devotee 20% &2x drop token
found 10 [Dragon Crystals]
same day out of SR, got one dragon crystal
KD got one
Seems Psychodelica is best for dragon crystals. and that it can drop more if you have lots of drop buffs.
last few days using zodiac 3x drop i've gotten 2x dragon crystal drops next to each other, and more dropping in runs when they drop.
Been getting roughly 3-10 dragon crystals each day using those buffs doing psycho dungeon and others since zodiac came out, just dont get to do dungeons all the time..
Basically, go for Psycho dungeon, SR doesn't drop that great- however buffs can help.
Just level a bunch, had camped SR for a long time in hopes the level range for it would prove to give better DC drops myself, didn't work so well.
Being lv range for SR means you can use Zodiac, would suggest using the EXP buffs and buying up 2x EXP tokens or doing treasure trove for them so can level faster.
Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 05-06-2013, 06:36 PM.