I have no idea whats with this person, (S18)WindRunner. His spamming the world chat telling that (S23)IGMIValkrys is a scammer and a hacker without a
proof. (S18)WindRunner is an alt, his main is (S22)SkyHeAler.
\\ I am reporting this 'cause I feel annoyed//
Screencapture//My proof that he is spamming:

Another report, (S21)Vamp99 his 'Boyfriend' spamming my Private

(If this is a wrong place to post, very sorry)
proof. (S18)WindRunner is an alt, his main is (S22)SkyHeAler.
\\ I am reporting this 'cause I feel annoyed//
Screencapture//My proof that he is spamming:
Another report, (S21)Vamp99 his 'Boyfriend' spamming my Private
(If this is a wrong place to post, very sorry)
