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wedding issue
wedding issue
A few hours ago, I booked a wedding. The quest "wedding scheduling" hasnt completed, and I've yet to get the wedding aura.Tags: None
I found a full guide with pictures:
If you followed all the steps there, then just proceed with the wedding later.. I'm hoping it sorts itself out like it did with mine.
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You're the party leader while he's checking, correct?
Could try waiting until between 7:30pm and 8pm and give out an invite.
I wish I had another way to help, but it's Sunday and the people needed for that have the weekends off
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I wish I could remember where mine got stuck at. I'm pretty sure it was something I didn't click on that I was suppose to (I wasn't the one who proposed or booked the wedding).
Make sure he clicks on everything to make sure he didn't miss something (while in a party with you).
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Refresh, get back in party, and see if it kicks the quest over. I'm trying to remember if there was something else one of you needed to click on.
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I dont think he's refreshed today, I'll try to get him out of nargon and ask him too XD
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I remember I had an issue with mine, but it was almost a year and a half ago so I'm trying to remember what I did to fix it.
We set it up so we were in a party before I went to work. When I came home from work, the wedding was scheduled but we didn't have the aura. Relogging didn't help. Sometime before the wedding we got back into a party together and everything fell back into place and we got the aura and the next wedding quest. But I'm not remembering if there was anything else we did.
Try disbanding the party, and then party up again.
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Is there anything showing up at the Wedding Planner for you or your spouse to be?
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