Originally posted by MsBlackRabbit
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Originally posted by MemoryLane View PostThank you for confirming that. We certainly do allow it. As a matter of fact, I would encourage it for this issue right now, as it is being confirmed as an ISP issue. I would also encourage a guide for players who don't know how to use vpn/proxy services to be posted, which I would happily sticky and reference to so that everyone can get back into the game as quickly as possible.
http://forum.r2games.com/showthread....745#post794745Last edited by MsBlackRabbit; 01-24-2014, 02:32 PM.IGN: Rin
Server: (S18) Shrine of Khitar
Class: Ranger
A Bruise is Not a Tattoo
Originally posted by cricketzzzzzzz View Postif they not fix or gave any advice think i will do the same jianganyway just feel lucky my vip done tomorrow so wont lose much but sad i make my toon a little bit strong, so sad
http://forum.r2games.com/showthread.php?99322IGN: Rin
Server: (S18) Shrine of Khitar
Class: Ranger
A Bruise is Not a Tattoo