I play on (S64)Purgatory under (S64)Jules; my friends/guildies told me that earlier today when I was offline, a character using my name, but with a capital "i" in place of the "l", was advertising scams/hacks to others. The character scamming others is a level 1 mortal knight. I sent in ticket #97901, was hoping this could get forwarded.
Edit: Attached a screenshot in the ticket showing the level 1 knight character.
I play on (S64)Purgatory under (S64)Jules; my friends/guildies told me that earlier today when I was offline, a character using my name, but with a capital "i" in place of the "l", was advertising scams/hacks to others. The character scamming others is a level 1 mortal knight. I sent in ticket #97901, was hoping this could get forwarded.

Edit: Attached a screenshot in the ticket showing the level 1 knight character.