Looking to buy or trade for PUC on s35-53 V2KUJA
Frag shard 1-4 (market price of fs= 1p, market price of PUC = 25g) DO NOT ASK FOR 1-3 OR 1-2 I WILL CURSE AT YOU AND SEND U ON UR WAY
dragon crystal 1-2 (dc=45-50g on our server, so if you really wanna complain about the 5g ill add that in to the deal. so 1dc and 5g for 2 puc)
ethereal wings 1-1 (price on these are all over the place, ppl seem to think they have a new value every day. you guys are crazy)
soul prints 1-1
and if you have any other offers you'd like to propose id like to hear them, however gmut offers are off the table. i need my monkey mount. i feel like a noob riding a bear.
or i'll just buy them flat out for 25g, but thatll drain me pretty quick seeing as i need so many.
Frag shard 1-4 (market price of fs= 1p, market price of PUC = 25g) DO NOT ASK FOR 1-3 OR 1-2 I WILL CURSE AT YOU AND SEND U ON UR WAY

dragon crystal 1-2 (dc=45-50g on our server, so if you really wanna complain about the 5g ill add that in to the deal. so 1dc and 5g for 2 puc)
ethereal wings 1-1 (price on these are all over the place, ppl seem to think they have a new value every day. you guys are crazy)
soul prints 1-1
and if you have any other offers you'd like to propose id like to hear them, however gmut offers are off the table. i need my monkey mount. i feel like a noob riding a bear.
or i'll just buy them flat out for 25g, but thatll drain me pretty quick seeing as i need so many.