is Crystal Saga Planing to Merge all EAST servers and WEST servers together someday? let me tell u what i mean by that!
is All PVE East servers will be merged together someday?
is All PVP East servers will be merged together someday?
is All PVE West servers will be merged together someday?
is All PVP West servers will be merged together someday?
this is what i mean if any GM can answer that question because it's asked by all CS players! WHY? because some servers are dead and when a server is dead players will leave i know servers already merged with some of close servers to them but still dead! so what is the answer? for sure to keep CS alive the answer should be YES so what is it?
is All PVE East servers will be merged together someday?
is All PVP East servers will be merged together someday?
is All PVE West servers will be merged together someday?
is All PVP West servers will be merged together someday?
this is what i mean if any GM can answer that question because it's asked by all CS players! WHY? because some servers are dead and when a server is dead players will leave i know servers already merged with some of close servers to them but still dead! so what is the answer? for sure to keep CS alive the answer should be YES so what is it?