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Are Kongregate servers being merged with main anytime soon or is it dead for good?

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  • Are Kongregate servers being merged with main anytime soon or is it dead for good?

    Just wondering.

    There are like 10 active players. The only thing I have done is activating seignor exp for the past year and then log off again.
    A few new players appear every now and then and then disappear after a while again, because there is no one to play with.

    I can hardly imagine that you generate any ad revenue over here.
    If anything, then this is a loss-loss situation for R2 and the Kong players.

    So are Kong servers being merged with main servers anytime soon?
    Merging just means that you might lose out on the few extra percent of ad revenue for being Kongregate exclusive but 15% of 0 is still 0.

    If there are no plans of merging the servers, then I will just stop activitating seignor exp at all and be done with it for good.
    So, what are your plans, R2?
    Last edited by sebastian1988; 04-25-2016, 01:59 PM.

  • #2
    The only time Kongregate's servers would be under consideration for merging into R2 is if Kongregate first decides to drop the title. No matter how dead the servers are, as long as Kongregate keeps the game up, that is where servers will stay.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Reverie View Post
      The only time Kongregate's servers would be under consideration for merging into R2 is if Kongregate first decides to drop the title. No matter how dead the servers are, as long as Kongregate keeps the game up, that is where servers will stay.
      I don't know what kind of deal was made between R2 and Kong so I can't say anything about that.
      But I believe that both sides do know about the traffic and revenue generated by the game. This topic is just a reminder in case this issue was overlooked.

      If any party recognizes that the game is dead and starts a conversation with the other, only then a decision like merging the servers can be made.
      In that case I might rephrase from "Are there any plans to merge the servers" to "Are there any plans to discuss the matter with kong".

      Unless Kong is paying for the servers, the only party that might be interested in changing the current state is R2.
      So I take your post as "Also talk to Kong about this matter". Which I probably should.

      The few players that appear every now and then might dump some money on the servers to keep them running, but as far as I know, people don't.
      Aside from that, maybe R2 already has plans to merge the servers in the near future but didn't see a need to talk about it yet.

      As I see it currently, they are just waiting until no one plays anymore to then shut the servers down with no regret.
      For that case it would be nice to at least get some kind of heads up.

      It is certainly possible to have people log in to the game through their Kongregate accounts while playing on a merged server.
      It therefor does not have to be taken down from kong just for a merge and it would still generate ad revenue and give people a reason to keep playing.
      Last edited by sebastian1988; 04-25-2016, 02:26 PM.


      • #4
        If R2 already has plans to merge, that would be a follow-up agreement made from Kongregate's decision to first drop the game from their platform. Because there have been no hints gearing towards that, it isn't likely R2 has made any plans yet. Like Kabam's recent cross-platform merge, CS was first announced to shut down there and only then did R2 step towards a merge.

        Cross-platform merges do, however, need to be agreed to by both platforms. If an agreement cannot be reached, a merge will not be conducted. If I remember correctly, there were a couple Kongregate games that have been shut down entirely without a merge. Kongregate instead offered "deals and bonuses" towards other games on their platform (likely decided on to retain their playerbase?). There is a chance the same could happen with CS, but we really would not know until the day comes.
        Last edited by Reverie; 04-25-2016, 02:35 PM.

