Okay guys, this has been asked for by many people on the server, and being that I've been paying ridiculous prices for stupid items such as FSE, I figured I would list some Prices. These prices are the current prices of the more important items on the game, as of now, for this server. Brought to you by Universe.
Okay, lets begin. So first, a FSE is NOT 25G a piece, as I have payed for 4 of them so far. The correct price for FSE as of now is between 15-20G, 15 if very lucky, 20 if the seller is in real need of money, or just greedy.
Next, Bag Expanders go for 50G, as would sands of times, because of their rarity.
MUT go for somewhere between 15-20s as of now, any higher is a rip, they're not exactly rare!
HW go for the same price as PC atm, that being 1.1G or, if the seller is generous, 1G.
Ice Shards are only worth 1G, so good luck making bank off of them!
The kicker of it all is that if cash items are sold legitly, rather than as a scam, (by cash items I mean the pets and mounts) EACH go for 1P.
Please guys, do not be greedy and sell overpriced, you just make it harder for yourself to sell a certain item. Another thing, lets please keep Hellstorm a clean server and not have any scamming, I heard about someone named Endurance scamming today, and was angered by just hearing it. Oh, and Ps. Thanks for reading~.
PPS. If I have made any mistakes, or you think another item price, please put the item and its price in the comments, and do so fairly. DON'T BE GREEDY. Thanks all
Okay, lets begin. So first, a FSE is NOT 25G a piece, as I have payed for 4 of them so far. The correct price for FSE as of now is between 15-20G, 15 if very lucky, 20 if the seller is in real need of money, or just greedy.
Next, Bag Expanders go for 50G, as would sands of times, because of their rarity.
MUT go for somewhere between 15-20s as of now, any higher is a rip, they're not exactly rare!
HW go for the same price as PC atm, that being 1.1G or, if the seller is generous, 1G.
Ice Shards are only worth 1G, so good luck making bank off of them!
The kicker of it all is that if cash items are sold legitly, rather than as a scam, (by cash items I mean the pets and mounts) EACH go for 1P.
Please guys, do not be greedy and sell overpriced, you just make it harder for yourself to sell a certain item. Another thing, lets please keep Hellstorm a clean server and not have any scamming, I heard about someone named Endurance scamming today, and was angered by just hearing it. Oh, and Ps. Thanks for reading~.
PPS. If I have made any mistakes, or you think another item price, please put the item and its price in the comments, and do so fairly. DON'T BE GREEDY. Thanks all
