i should suggest something like this>>
Hoe:with this you can harvest herbs that can be found on dungeons or maps like...¿kaymo mountain?
each time you harvest any herb its durability will be decreased.
red herb
green herb
yellow herb
blue herb
indigo herb
here it goes:
red herb + green herb = Healing Potion
green herb + yellow herb = Mana Potion
red herb + green herb + blue herb = pet healing potion
green herb + yellow herb + indigo herb = pet mana potion
purple herb: increases the duration of the potion
black herb: increases effect of the potion
duration: effect:
red herb + green herb = Healing Potion 15 seconds 400 hp each 2 seconds
red herb + green herb + purple herb = Healing Potion 20 seconds 400 hp each 2 seconds
red herb + green herb + black herb= Healing Potion 15 seconds 500 hp each 2 seconds
black herb cancels the purple herb and decreases it's effect
purple herb cancels the black herb and decrease it's effect
it will prevent from a megapotion
be sure you can create a good potion without abusing it's good for people who want to save money or for those who can't afford any potion.
or you can get money doing this unless the potions you have made cannot be traded ._.
forgot! you can make some especial potions too
healthy potion:
you can use this to cancel any negative effect
5 red herb5 + 5 yellow herb +5 green herb + 5 purple herb + 5 black herb ( XD )
cooldown: 10 seconds
effect during: instantly
hp regen potion:useless but is one of the most easier to make it will increases a bit the hp regen
5 red herb
cooldown:2 seconds
effect during: 10 seconds
mp regen potion: useless but is one of the most easier to make it will increases a bit the mp regen
5 yellow herb
cooldown:2 seconds
effect during:10 seconds
Mob Repelent:this will keep away the mobs, usefull when doing dungeons and
6 purple herb + 2 black herb + 1 indigo herb
cooldown 10 seconds
effect during: 5 seconds
post your ideas and comments
Hoe:with this you can harvest herbs that can be found on dungeons or maps like...¿kaymo mountain?
each time you harvest any herb its durability will be decreased.
red herb
green herb
yellow herb
blue herb
indigo herb
here it goes:
red herb + green herb = Healing Potion
green herb + yellow herb = Mana Potion
red herb + green herb + blue herb = pet healing potion
green herb + yellow herb + indigo herb = pet mana potion
purple herb: increases the duration of the potion
black herb: increases effect of the potion
duration: effect:
red herb + green herb = Healing Potion 15 seconds 400 hp each 2 seconds
red herb + green herb + purple herb = Healing Potion 20 seconds 400 hp each 2 seconds
red herb + green herb + black herb= Healing Potion 15 seconds 500 hp each 2 seconds
black herb cancels the purple herb and decreases it's effect
purple herb cancels the black herb and decrease it's effect
it will prevent from a megapotion

be sure you can create a good potion without abusing it's good for people who want to save money or for those who can't afford any potion.
or you can get money doing this unless the potions you have made cannot be traded ._.
forgot! you can make some especial potions too
healthy potion:
you can use this to cancel any negative effect
5 red herb5 + 5 yellow herb +5 green herb + 5 purple herb + 5 black herb ( XD )
cooldown: 10 seconds
effect during: instantly
hp regen potion:useless but is one of the most easier to make it will increases a bit the hp regen
5 red herb
cooldown:2 seconds
effect during: 10 seconds
mp regen potion: useless but is one of the most easier to make it will increases a bit the mp regen
5 yellow herb
cooldown:2 seconds
effect during:10 seconds
Mob Repelent:this will keep away the mobs, usefull when doing dungeons and
6 purple herb + 2 black herb + 1 indigo herb
cooldown 10 seconds
effect during: 5 seconds
post your ideas and comments