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Scam prevention

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  • Scam prevention


    i strongly recommend developers to change quality of Pearls of Wisdom to pristine(yellow) or lower. Idea is to differentiate it from Great Pearls of Wisdom to prevent unwanted trades aka scamming, which usually results in repetitive tickets where players want their scammed gold back. It also might help reduce number of rage quitting players :3. Thanks,


  • #2
    I understand where this suggestion is coming from and its intended purpose, however I'm not sure if mistaking Pearls of Wisdom for Greater Pearls of Wisdom falls under the idea of 'scamming' and much as it does a poorly conducted trade. Players can easily avoid being traded PoW instead of the assumed GPoW by simply hovering their cursor over the icon of the offered item and personally confirm which of the two pearls it is.


    • #3
      Same goes for legendary zodiac stones/Dragon crystal


      • #4
        double check your valuables o.o

        what about all epic shards having same icons you just go and check one more time


        • #5
          Usually when someone sells wisdom, there's no much time to double check title or descriptions. Reading and understanding text takes some time (especially when its 3AM). Semaphores are also based on color differentiation rather than text changes.


          • #6
            Sure you can rush to the shop but if you dont take the time to check (half a second, you have to click the item to purchase it, hovering doesnt take long) then its not a scam its the mistake of someone who is desperate. ive never accidentally purchased the wrong item in nearly 3 years of playing. Not very difficult. I do agree with you though. Item quality is messed up on various items and needs major updates for various reasons. It will never happen though, because the devs cant make money off making sure their players have an enjoyable gaming experience.

