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  • SP

    plss put Soul Print (SP) as reward for Quartermaster Tokens...for example like 1 token = 5 sp....nowdays sp hard to farm since its bound in iob...
    and we need lots of sp to upgrade our sperion especially for new sperion morph

  • #2
    Thread moved to Suggestions & Feedback.


    • #3
      I agree, but 1 for 5 is a bit much, they should go back to the day when it was 1:1
      IGN: (ne)Fenterra
      Server: S25
      Position: Random Mage Dude Who Does Stuff And Things
      Hobbies: ????????
      Accomplishments: 1 mill honor, Gen 3 Doombringer, and Eating an entire extra large pizza by myself in an hour.


      • #4
        I agree and I think 5 is fair because 700+ SP plus 1000+ is alot


        • #5
          I don't think the ratio is important; I think that we all just want SP to be in the QuarterMaster Exchange


          • #6
            No r2 needs to fix this damned lag first

            Although i agree with it
            Last edited by Reverie; 08-24-2014, 05:53 PM. Reason: Posts merged.


            • #7
              token event for next week

              since next week is the start of token event ( september ) i want to suggest the following in the token event

              - soul print 1 token= 10pcs ( needed because of new evolution of sperion )
              - anniversary costume perma. 50token
              IGN: xSpade
              Server: zensho Island
              Class/Job: rogue


              • #8
                Suggesting 10 pieces for one token is a bit unreasonable, in my opinion. New features, such as the Sperion, are meant to be additions that are gradually worked on for the sake of gameplay. Otherwise, the "wow" effect of having something new (that doesn't require cashing) to upgrade disappears and it will lose its appeal later down the line. Sure, there should be some other ways to obtain Soul Print, however players who do have the newer Sperions eventually come to realize that Soul Print is not the main focal point of this feature, but actually Earth Soul Orbs.


                • #9
                  hope all like it

                  I Wanted to say sicne ew/sp Bound in iob and all in eed of those why not a quater master exchange sp by tokens like Soul print x5 for 1 token and those soul print be bound so MMO Bots wont farm them it will be helpful for players and usefull to farm sp from other palce hope all post their opinion here and hope this suggestion got licked and make thing real in game


                  • #10
                    SP's actually were there x1 for 1 token, EW's are still there, x2 for 1 token ...


                    • #11
                      but not any more ther is no sp any more and plus x1 wont help that much we need like x5 cause new sperion cost alot .


                      • #12
                        if something costs alot of items doesnt mean you gonna get bunches of said items for free :3


                        • #13
                          Taking into account how many Ethereal Wings it takes per try and considering that its entirely based on chance, the amount of EWs required greatly exceeds the set amount of Soul Prints required for a guaranteed Sperion upgrade. That being the case, the token to SP ratio should actually be less than the token to EW ratio if we were to think of it logically.


                          • #14

                            in my server sp is tough to get and when i do find some its always for soemthing i cant get and iob i cant do becuase i g2g the library and its comp time screwy so i was wonder if gms can do something to put SP in quater master tokens event
                            Level: Scion 63+
                            IGN: (S28)Destroyer
                            Guild: Imperium
                            Server: Bloodfang Village
                            Soul: 475
                            Pets: Super Demon lvl 72, Super Angel lvl 66, Megasaurus lvl 57, Boxer Rex lvl 53, and File Lord lvl 48
                            Rank: Arch Duke-102670
                            Mount: Gorilla Titan


                            • #15
                              Thread merged.

