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Return Soul Prints to the Quartermaster Exchange, as well as other items.

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  • Return Soul Prints to the Quartermaster Exchange, as well as other items.

    I am making this suggestion due to the fact that I have seen that in the past many items have been in the Quartermaster Exchange. However, for whatever reason, as time has passed a lot of said items have been removed. The Soul Print is one of these (Although I can also say the same for Red Adamantite, Outstanding Lionheart Crystal, Soul Stars, Chi Essnece, Divine Feathers and the Promethean Feathers). I personally feel that said items along with other low token cost items should return, since in all honesty the other sources for these items are either: 1. Unobtainable or 2. Severely limited due to the way the events that give them work; or due to us as characters not being strong enough to go into the areas where these items can be dropped/found.

    Case in point number 1: Soul Prints. Ever since the binding of the IOB boxes, these items cannot be marketed anymore, which forces people to go in every day for only a chance to gain 10-12 soul prints. However, since your team "winning" in IOB (IE: getting purple packs) is situational based on many factors, there are chances that for days on end you get 0 soul prints and only waste your time. This initially was not a problem to me, until the eternal sperions came into play. Both need 711 and 1,100+ soul prints respectively. I currently have 136/711 of the SP I need to advance, and calculating at 10 SP at day it would take me 57.5 days to get enough to upgrade, and that is if I somehow got a 57 day winning streak, which is highly unlikely. Which brings me to my second point.

    Case in point number 2: Soul prints in Corruption (and everything else). Soul prints can also be found in the Lv 5 corruption pack. However, non cashers such as myself already struggle on Lvs 2-3, making it near impossible to get to them. I don't know if that's the idea in all honesty, but the point is that there is no viable way to get soul prints at all except by getting lucky in IOB, and this is coming from a guy who is merged with about 4 servers. And I am sure that people agree that Soul Print isn't the only upgrade item that suffers from this.

    Lastly I sometimes wonder if we should have an extra tab in fate shop for quartermaster exchange, like the points section. That way we could just click and go and maybe even more items could be fit in there to be readily available for those who have the tokens.

    Sorry if this got a bit long winded but I hope it is a valid suggestion either way. Have a nice day, be safe and God Bless.

  • #2
    i totally agree with this. soul print has been made so hard to obtain its ridiculous! on my server i have been trying to buy just over 500 sp for 2 weeks and cant get any because nobody sells since everyone needs it yet hardly anyone can get any unless its bound. i cant even get it from iob because on my server they go for the yellow packs not the purple packs. so how is anyone supposed to get sp and upgrade their sperion? its so annoying trying to get sp without an actual source. at least the eso is farmable and consistently obtainable through the daily login so even though you need a lot of eso at least there is a supply unlike for sp. a 1:5 ratio with tokens to get sp isnt really that unreasonable.

