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Crazy Suggestion: GMs that actually reply

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  • Crazy Suggestion: GMs that actually reply

    Hi everyone,

    not sure if I'm the only one who is realizing that but I didn't see any response about suggestions / complaints to recent additions.
    I feel kinda ignored and I doubt that this is the service a paying customer should expect.

    So many people do have suggestions or issues with some part of the game and I think it is pretty disrespectful to just not answer anyone.

    I saw a thread about a lost fragarach weapon - no response.
    I saw threads (and made some myself) about the sperion addition - no response.
    I saw so many more threads here without a single GM response.

    But even when the GMs answer and especially when they say "That suggestion has been accepted" or "This will be fixed in our weekly maintenance" then they pretty much say "Sorry, we won't do anything.".

    It's sad that R2 forgot who they are. to help you out a bit:

    "We enjoy working with teams who are able to think outside of the box and discover new and unique game ideas that are creative, profitable, and most importantly, fun for our players".

    You might want to change that part.

  • #2
    action speaks louder than words
    They told me that to make you fall in love with me, I had to make you laugh...
    But everytime you laugh, I'm the one who falls in love...


    • #3
      silent means yes.


      • #4
        Still not a single response from the GMs in the patch notes.
        Seriously R2, you lack explaination. How about a Treasure Trove Guide? You see that people are worried about the PvP part, now tell us how much of treasure trove us PvP.
        What about the drops of it?
        What about Soul Prints? Why did you start to release non accessible content (for non-casher)? Why the madatory cashing?
        What about all your bug fixes? You always just change the typo of things and never fx anything. Daimon Shield is still bugged.
        Do Earth Soul Orb Scrolls drop in Spernal like the NPC says?
        When will you add all the things that are said to be accepted in this suggestion part?
        Why do you nerf non-cash events?
        Why don't you add more instances like people asked so many times for? You should know that there are problems in merged servers.
        And, and, and, and..

        God, why do you guys never ever ever respond?!
        Seriously, your ticket system is garbage because the people who answer the tickets never played this game apparently and the forum just gets ignored.
        This game won't last long if you don't start doing what people pay you for. 1 Reason more to not donate any money to R2 anymore.


        • #5
          Originally posted by sebastian1988 View Post
          Still not a single response from the GMs in the patch notes.
          Seriously R2, you lack explaination. How about a Treasure Trove Guide? You see that people are worried about the PvP part, now tell us how much of treasure trove us PvP.
          What about the drops of it?
          What about Soul Prints? Why did you start to release non accessible content (for non-casher)? Why the madatory cashing?
          What about all your bug fixes? You always just change the typo of things and never fx anything. Daimon Shield is still bugged.
          Do Earth Soul Orb Scrolls drop in Spernal like the NPC says?
          When will you add all the things that are said to be accepted in this suggestion part?
          Why do you nerf non-cash events?
          Why don't you add more instances like people asked so many times for? You should know that there are problems in merged servers.
          And, and, and, and..

          God, why do you guys never ever ever respond?!
          Seriously, your ticket system is garbage because the people who answer the tickets never played this game apparently and the forum just gets ignored.
          This game won't last long if you don't start doing what people pay you for. 1 Reason more to not donate any money to R2 anymore.
          Most guides are made by the players. Half the fun for a lot of people is figuring out how stuff works. Treasure Trove is a PvP-enabled map with mobs, so you'll be able to kill and be killed and kill mobs. Mobs drop loot, you'll have to try it for yourself to see what loot drops.

          Sperion system was just released. With other newly released systems, they usually gave it a couple weeks until they did an event for it, so I wouldn't expect an event for soul prints for a little while.

          Here's a thought- give newly released stuff a little bit of time to be experienced by players before crying about changing things. Not everyone is as unhappy about how things are as you.

          Bug fixes are all up to the devs, who also have to work on the events everyone demands happen every week. Want more bug fixes? Try giving the devs a little more info than "it's broken, fix it". The majority of bug posts aren't informative at all, if skills and items work under normal circumstances, then they won't see anything broken about it. Try giving the steps to recreate the bug when reporting a bug, and I bet you'll start to see more bugs be fixed. Of course, it also depends on the devs figuring out a way to fix the bug- such as with the Daimon shield cancelling the bubble in KD, it might just be that they haven't been successful at finding a workaround for it.

          When a GM says a suggestion has been accepted, that just means it's been added to a list of suggestions. This list is looked at for balance, ability to create, and overall benefits for both the game and the players. Some suggestions are good, but aren't able to be done. Some suggestions are good but wouldn't be a benefit to all players, the company, or the future of the game. Add that to the events everyone demands to be run every week and the bug fixes along with releasing more existing content, and you get even less time to implement suggestions. There has been suggestions that get implemented, but it's never been an immediate process. Some implemented suggestions were mentioned months before the release.

          It would be quite impossible for GMs to reply to every single thread in the forums. I have tried telling people that posts with just one or two replies don't get much attention from staff, yet people still go and create a new thread for a suggestion instead of using an existing thread. And, one thing I have noticed- players who only ever complain about everything tend to be ignored. I see a lot of people who only post to complain and threaten to not spend money anymore. Why cater to people who do nothing but complain about every little thing in every single post? I know I'd much rather read a thread that isn't full of complete negativity, so imagine how the GMs must feel having to read threads like this along with tickets like this and forum mails like this. I'm amazed they haven't just shut the game down since the majority of people posting aren't capable of an ounce of gratitude, and those who do try to show any sort of appreciation are called brown nosers by everyone else.
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          Some inboxes are broken, including mine. Please don't send me private messages at this time.

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          • #6
            Originally posted by MemoryLane View Post
            Most guides are made by the players. Half the fun for a lot of people is figuring out how stuff works. Treasure Trove is a PvP-enabled map with mobs, so you'll be able to kill and be killed and kill mobs. Mobs drop loot, you'll have to try it for yourself to see what loot drops.

            Sperion system was just released. With other newly released systems, they usually gave it a couple weeks until they did an event for it, so I wouldn't expect an event for soul prints for a little while.
            Having Soul Prints only occasionally in events doesn't make the content accessible for everyone. What about people who just start playing after those events? No, waiting for events is not the right way. They gotta be obtainable in-game.

            Originally posted by MemoryLane View Post
            Here's a thought- give newly released stuff a little bit of time to be experienced by players before crying about changing things. Not everyone is as unhappy about how things are as you.
            Again, it is not crying. It is constructive criticism. If you do not know what that is then please stop answering. I don't expect yout to tell us your point of view, I expect the GMs to actually do their job.

            Originally posted by MemoryLane View Post
            Bug fixes are all up to the devs, who also have to work on the events everyone demands happen every week. Want more bug fixes? Try giving the devs a little more info than "it's broken, fix it". The majority of bug posts aren't informative at all, if skills and items work under normal circumstances, then they won't see anything broken about it. Try giving the steps to recreate the bug when reporting a bug, and I bet you'll start to see more bugs be fixed. Of course, it also depends on the devs figuring out a way to fix the bug- such as with the Daimon shield cancelling the bubble in KD, it might just be that they haven't been successful at finding a workaround for it.
            Oh MemoryLane, you have no idea. Being a developer myself, I do know that you should always test any fix you develop. Running this game on a testserver would show them that things are still bugged. They gotta test before they announce that things are actually fixed. Also, I do not consider the change of a description to be a bug fix. No, they are just lazy and don't know what they do.

            Originally posted by MemoryLane View Post
            When a GM says a suggestion has been accepted, that just means it's been added to a list of suggestions. This list is looked at for balance, ability to create, and overall benefits for both the game and the players. Some suggestions are good, but aren't able to be done. Some suggestions are good but wouldn't be a benefit to all players, the company, or the future of the game. Add that to the events everyone demands to be run every week and the bug fixes along with releasing more existing content, and you get even less time to implement suggestions. There has been suggestions that get implemented, but it's never been an immediate process. Some implemented suggestions were mentioned months before the release.
            Sounds like QQing. We don't cash/donate on this game for them to not employ more developers. They gotta fix that aswell. That for sure is not our problem.

            Originally posted by MemoryLane View Post
            It would be quite impossible for GMs to reply to every single thread in the forums. I have tried telling people that posts with just one or two replies don't get much attention from staff, yet people still go and create a new thread for a suggestion instead of using an existing thread. And, one thing I have noticed- players who only ever complain about everything tend to be ignored. I see a lot of people who only post to complain and threaten to not spend money anymore. Why cater to people who do nothing but complain about every little thing in every single post? I know I'd much rather read a thread that isn't full of complete negativity, so imagine how the GMs must feel having to read threads like this along with tickets like this and forum mails like this. I'm amazed they haven't just shut the game down since the majority of people posting aren't capable of an ounce of gratitude, and those who do try to show any sort of appreciation are called brown nosers by everyone else.
            I got news for you. It's their job. And it's constructive criticism. They do ruin their own game. Week for week. They gotta stop doing that or else they won't survive. I don't want to see my money, that I actually worked for (yes, I did my job, surprise), to go to a waste just because R2 is destroying themself.

            Sorry MemoryLane, but you still have no idea what you are talking about.
            Last edited by sebastian1988; 10-18-2012, 07:25 PM.


            • #7
              Definition for constructive criticism: criticism or advice that is useful and intended to help or improve something, often with an offer of possible solutions

              What you do is just criticism, which is fine too. Just don't expect it to be received well or for the company to read your delightful posts and decide they will follow your every demand.
              New R2 Community Discord Server:

              Received a random forum error? Refresh the page first, sometimes the error message is the error.

              Some inboxes are broken, including mine. Please don't send me private messages at this time.

              Rules of the Forum are found here.

              R2Games Ticket System for browser games:


              • #8
                Originally posted by MemoryLane View Post
                Definition for constructive criticism: criticism or advice that is useful and intended to help or improve something, often with an offer of possible solutions

                What you do is just criticism, which is fine too. Just don't expect it to be received well or for the company to read your delightful posts and decide they will follow your every demand.
                Good that you decide what constructive criticism is and what not.
                Do you really think that I post without the intention to get things improved?

                I don't think that my advice of adding soul prints as a possible drop (to make that content fully accessible to everyone) wasn't useful. I even suggested a way to distribute them like upon killing all 7 bosses in the new dungeon for 1 soul print. But no response. Which is pretty sad.

                Besides that, I don't think that telling R2 what they are doing wrong isnt helpful.

                Seriously, asking for a better event description, balancer buffs, accessible content, removing worldbosses from quests is plain constructive.
                And R2 doesn't seem smart enough to me.

                But whatever MemoryLane, you should know by now that I think that most of your posts are just propaganda and far from reality.
                Or you simply don't play enough.

                My statement is still true and I do think it would be a great improvement for us all if the GMs actually reply to suggestions or in the maintenance activity threads. I yet have to see any statement about sperion forge as noncasher and the mandatory cashing.
                Last edited by sebastian1988; 10-19-2012, 01:34 AM.


                • #9
                  r2 doesnt really care about its players lol, they never have and never will, long as u they making a killng off players they got no reason to care


                  • #10
                    While I don't agree with the way this thread has started off and gone, I do agree with the general notion that the GMs are staying too silent. I will try to remain as objective as I possibly can in here, and stay neutral as best I can.

                    Now while I realize there are more posts that request a GM's reply than there are hours in the day for the GM staff to answer and do the rest of their job duties, alot of them are also duplicate posts, and yet still the GMs just don't reply. While the moderators do try to step up and answer questions as best as they can, and the majority of the time what they say is probably exactly the same as what the GMs would say, there are times when it's just not a substitute for a GM taking a few minutes to answer, and while the answer might be the same, people are more content with a GM's answer than anything else. For example, and this might be contrary to the way the thread went but this is what happened in my guild's chat, the treasure trove time was complained about. Storm stepped up, said they only have certain hours they can have events per their liscencing agreement, and the people complaining were content with that and let the issue drop. That still doesn't explain lack of GM responses lately. Pat, Amanda, Mark, Storm, I used to see them comment far more frequently than is currently done.

                    I'm going to address some recent criticisms, and while they might not seem relavent, they are going to be leading up to a point at the end.

                    Looking at past history, when the player base was severely unhappy with something R2 changed it to make it more doable for everyone. Points in case are the Fragarach weapon and Honor loss in sengolia. The GMs were there listening and responding to the feedback, and ultimately the player base was happy when Dragon Crystals were added to dungeon drops, and honor loss was removed from sengolia. Lets look at recent similiar situations. Sperion and Goddess Blessings. Sperion is closely related to the Fragarach weapon, in that at the time Dragon Crystals were a cash shop only item, much like soul prints are now, and goddess blessings are just a pure cash feature. Won't get into the complaints about these, however, I will state that GMs have not commented on these like they have in the past. Brings up the burning question: Are the GMs even listening anymore?

                    R2 encourages player feedback and constructive criticisms does it not? So how about when the GMs see it, and comment on it, only for the comment to be a copy/paste job that was posted 1 minute after the constructive criticisms were posted, and to see the exact same GM post in another thread? They hardly post on those things, and when they do it's basically ignoring any possibly useful suggestions, giving the player base a big "why bother trying to help improve the game if this is all it gets". I'm going to flat out admit this point I could be seen as biased on, since this personally happened to me, but it was over a month ago, and I've since moved on past it. But for the sake of examples, I offer this thread. Not the best example, but still illustrates the point that this can happen.


                    There's storm, posting a short message right about 1 min after I spent a long time typing that post up. That reason alone almost made me not even bother to post this post right now. Again, probably a biased example but it shows my point about giving players who want to help improve things a big "why bother to try." Moving on.

                    The GMs have also been criticised recently for not caring about Crystal Saga anymore, and only caring about Wartune. Whether or not that's actually true is besides the point. Let's look at the biggest most obvious reason I can find of what might give crystal saga players that impression. I give you these threads.



                    Coming soon threads. Last time Crystal Saga got a coming soon announcement was months ago when the Fragarach weapon was released, or if you read the right thread on the forums, more recently a post was made a week beforehand that lvl 100 was coming the next week, however that's not a formal coming soon announcement. As I said, that was the most obvious example I could find, I did not claim it to be the best example. Has the player base on Crystal Saga not asked for coming soon previews such as those recently? Why does Wartune get them and Crystal Saga does not? I'd like to be able to say I can offer a way to improve that one, but I can not, as quite frankly, it appears to the average player to be favoritism of Wartune over Crystal Saga. Whether it's not the case, the player base doesn't know as the GM's stay silent.

                    I'm going to briefly go into support tickets here, as it's the one place guaranteed to get a GM response. Time after time, people have complained about support not being very well...supportive. Does the issue get fixed? Yes. In the grand scheme of things, is that all that counts? Yes. But how about if while the issue's being looked at questions arise? It's perfectly logical that if a question comes up to ask support the question about your problem, and what tends to happen? A seemingly automated reply is given that kinda sorta not really answers the question if you're willing to stare at it and think about it. People use their credit cards on here alot, for example, and you might want to know if there's a problem with your card if it doesn't work, and haven't heard from support in over a day. You ask, and get told to give them time to fix the issue. If you think about that for a bit, it does answer the question, but it's not a flat out "no it's not on your end it's on ours and we're working on it." Now true the support team are people too and they don't like getting cursed and swore at, but at the same time with answers from support not flat out answering a question, and getting a straight answer can be like trying to get water out of a rock, I can see why swearing at the GMs in support tickets can be an appealing option. This one might've been slightly off topic, but it does add on to the GMs being a little tight lipped if asked a question and giving a round about answer that doesn't exactly answer the question right away.

                    Lets go on to what I personally think is the biggest lack of response from GM's these days. Gratitude. Lets face it, people complain left and right these days. In a situation like this, I believe gratitude is a two-way street. True, what the GM's have been doing is unappreciated lately. But let's look at the flip side of that coin, and I'm going to use the worst, possible most sore subject there is at the moment for this one: The MUT exchange event. Lack of gratitude all around. Now this doesn't exactly apply to everyone, but I knw quite a few people who cashed on 2x cards, afk cards, and other cheap cash shop items to save up the gold so when this event came, they could upgrade their mounts. Where's the gratitude from GM's saying thank you for cashing, here's the event you wanted? What was given was not what the population of the servers wanted. Were the GM's wrong in putting a cap on the event? No, and with the number of ways to get gmuts these days, I personally agree with capping the event...for the next time it comes around. With an event in this high of demand would it have made a world of difference to give the uncapped version of the gmut event with the statement of "This is the last time the event will be uncapped."? Yes, yes it would've. Instead we got a cap from out of nowhere, after months of begging for the event, and are expected to be grateful? Would advance notice of this cap changed things? We'll never know.

                    So where are the GMs during all of this? Are they too preoccupied with running two games to have time to give GM feedback like they used to? Are they too disgusted with the player base of Crysta Saga to respond anymore? Do they just not care about Crystal Saga anymore since they have Wartune to worry about Crystal Saga?

                    I wish I could say I could come up with a suggestion as to how to improve this, but other than the GM's being more willing to give more a response then they've been giving, I forsee the majority of the population of the game continuing to be dissastified with everything, and the GM's continuing to not get their deserved gratitude. I, for one, do not wish to see this game die, and the number of people on servers are dwindling.
                    The one and only Krysia from Sea of dreams (Thank god for that; one of me is too many!)

