The shop system we have now is a bit annoying because you have to sit there while you wait for people to buy your stuff and when there are a lot of shops open it makes it pretty laggy around the vault so I was thinking that instead of that we could have a NPC that you would go to who has the option to view all of the shops in a list. Something like this maybe;

and the list could maybe look something like this, with the option to "Create Shop" or "View Shop";

The shops should be in order of which is most popular, for example the one that has sold/bought the most items. The Number of Items would show how many Different items are in the shop, not each singular item. For example, 50HW, 250MUT, 5FS and 10EW would display 4 under "Number of Items".
Then when you open or view a shop they will not look any different than they usually do, the one on the left is a shop being viewed, the one on the right, a shop being opened;

When you open a shop the items will stay there until they are sold or are collected by you.
When you successfully sell an item the Gold with go to your inventory, successfully buying an Item will place them in your Temp Storage.
and the list could maybe look something like this, with the option to "Create Shop" or "View Shop";
The shops should be in order of which is most popular, for example the one that has sold/bought the most items. The Number of Items would show how many Different items are in the shop, not each singular item. For example, 50HW, 250MUT, 5FS and 10EW would display 4 under "Number of Items".
Then when you open or view a shop they will not look any different than they usually do, the one on the left is a shop being viewed, the one on the right, a shop being opened;
When you open a shop the items will stay there until they are sold or are collected by you.
When you successfully sell an item the Gold with go to your inventory, successfully buying an Item will place them in your Temp Storage.