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[Event Suggestion] The Forgotten Ice King

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  • [Event Suggestion] The Forgotten Ice King


    The Forgotten Ice King has emerged from the darkest depts of the universe to reap his terrible vengance! Do you have what it takes to take down what has been sealed forever and now causing mayhem in Starglade and all around the region? Take to the skies with your trusty companion and banish what have been terrorising Vidalia since the dawn of time! Some say that The Forgotten Ice King is misunderstood and didn't want to cause all this destruction. Well what do you think?..

    Defeat Him and be rewarded with great riches! Or.. leave him alone and show him that he is welcome to this great city and you may be rewarded by keeping him by your side as a companion and travel around the world of Vidalia, banishing all of that is which is evil.

    Defeat The Ice King and be rewarded with one of the following each for your party:

    500x honor pack.
    50 bronze honor badges.
    Greater Mount Upgrade Tokens Pack.
    Grand Phantom Shards 5x. ( Used to upgrade [purple] Heart Of Eden to Heart Of Immortality [Orange]. I will make another suggestion thread after im finished up with this one)
    Fragarach Shard 1x.

    Stand your ground and dont lay a finger on The Forgotten Ice King and recieve a gift from him:

    Heroic Wings Pack.
    Black Dragon Coins 2x.
    The Forgotten Ice King Pack Pet. ( the person who deserves this the most gets the pet ;P )
    Coupons 500x Pack.

    Note: Whoever is the lucky one who gets The Forgotten Ice King Pack only have the power to summon the beast for a few hours only! You will receive, if you are the lucky one, a "Gift Pack" meaning that you can open it whenever you want at any given time. Onced Open the King will automaticly go to your open space pet bar and it will say whatever hours you have left with the powerful king. ( hey dont look at me like that! A pet that holds the power of a Burning Angel And A Demon King Combined must have a chach!.. but remeber if you are the lucky one you will be able to keep the Rare pet forever! Yes Forvever!)

    Also there is another way to get The Forgotten Ice King by morphing A burning angel and a demon king and by opening as many "The Forgotten Ice King" eggs as you can possibly get and be lucky enough to get a forever "the Forgotten Ice King". But hatching one of these pets is like getting a fire lord 2x! so hatching one would exactly come up to 200x "the Forgotten Ice King" eggs. Just a suggestion

    Thank you for reading and please reply as much as you want. Anything yuo want e.g "this is the best suggestion i've ever read and i hope this will COME true!" Or.. "-.- w'eve alreadyhad this kind of suggestion before! Read the forums will you!"

    Well thats up to you! Bye bye and happy gaming!

    Also i've put all those other ways to get "The Forgotten King" because other people might have 0% chance on getting it. This way that everybody has a chance to get the King.

    here is the link to heart of immortality: for somereason it has been duplicated but whatever here's the link(s) &
    Last edited by Gabriel; 11-02-2012, 12:21 PM. Reason: I had to change the name of the shards =) also the Heart of Immortality is coming near.
    •Class:Knight (Working on hybrid-ish 😊)
    •Server:S51Cimmerian Woodlands
    •Level: lv.60 ( Uber Nub x.x)
    •Pet:Golden Teddy Bear+13 💯. Super Demon :cool:
    •Please give credits to google for helping you with your homework. Thank you :) ✌

  • #2
    Hmm like the Ice King defeating thing & "Heart of Immortality" :P However should left out the Ice King pet. Because it'd be just overkill to kill it someone for free, and too hard to get it from egg. >.>
    Last edited by venomeh; 10-21-2012, 07:23 PM.
    Stalkers OP.

    Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


    • #3
      Imma read more of it after work but from skimming it and the items offered it seems like a good lil event.
      Lil by lil my signature will become better.

      Ign: Sai
      Level: 130
      Class: Rogue
      Plane: Eidolon
      Honor: Emperor
      Server: (S31)TreeOfLife
      Guild: Rebels
      Pet: DemonKing


      • #4
        WoW, seriously sounds like a nice idea and sound familiar


        • #5
          After the event, he could be a new permanent world boss!
          Lv 100 14:00-19:00 Unlimited
          Recommened 15+ Players
          Good only cash items?


          • #6
            ooohhh niiiceee
            IGN: (S18)Shini
            Server: (S18)Shrine of Kithar
            Plane: Eidolon
            Class: Nature Hybrid Ranger
            Level: 45+
            Gender: Female
            Age: 20 (29-03-1992)
            Guild: Judgement
            Title: Cake Boss
            Married: Single
            Pet: EatUup (FL), Sulfus(DK), Caemlyne(BA)
            Mount: Lotus of Doom
            Honor: Grand Duck =D (duke XD)
            Wings: Epic Angel Lord Wings +4
            Soul: 241 =.=
            Languages: English, Dutch


            • #7
              sound this event for hi lvl only just like other invasion thingy ,would be nice if the king is summonable from 1/4master (pack/ scroll to summon the king)
              They told me that to make you fall in love with me, I had to make you laugh...
              But everytime you laugh, I'm the one who falls in love...


              • #8
                Originally posted by venomeh View Post
                Hmm like the Ice King defeating thing & "Heart of Immortality" :P However should left out the Ice King pet. Because it'd be just overkill to kill it someone for free, and too hard to get it from egg. >.>
                Well for me its kinda good because you have a choice either if you have a party with about 3 low lvl ppl and they will suddenly die with one hit kill then the "no kill version" would be good for people who doesent want to kill the King. And if i would have to say how much an egg would be.. well about 40-50 xstals because you need about 200x eggs to succesfully hatch one. but if your'e lucky enough you might get it on the first crack as always when an event which includes an egg in it you will mostly get it on the first try on the first day
                •Class:Knight (Working on hybrid-ish 😊)
                •Server:S51Cimmerian Woodlands
                •Level: lv.60 ( Uber Nub x.x)
                •Pet:Golden Teddy Bear+13 💯. Super Demon :cool:
                •Please give credits to google for helping you with your homework. Thank you :) ✌


                • #9
                  Originally posted by elsage View Post
                  sound this event for hi lvl only just like other invasion thingy ,would be nice if the king is summonable from 1/4master (pack/ scroll to summon the king)
                  actually if you dont want to kill you can just wait till the king drops thses here items. so basicly high lvl ppl can kill it but if you're not into the killing mood and you want either the prizes on not killing the king then dont kill it. Each choice has a good prize.
                  •Class:Knight (Working on hybrid-ish 😊)
                  •Server:S51Cimmerian Woodlands
                  •Level: lv.60 ( Uber Nub x.x)
                  •Pet:Golden Teddy Bear+13 💯. Super Demon :cool:
                  •Please give credits to google for helping you with your homework. Thank you :) ✌


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Gabriel View Post
                    Well for me its kinda good because you have a choice either if you have a party with about 3 low lvl ppl and they will suddenly die with one hit kill then the "no kill version" would be good for people who doesent want to kill the King. And if i would have to say how much an egg would be.. well about 40-50 xstals because you need about 200x eggs to succesfully hatch one. but if your'e lucky enough you might get it on the first crack as always when an event which includes an egg in it you will mostly get it on the first try on the first day
                    Doesn't make sense tho that you could get the game's best pet as a reward from some random mob.. >_> + all the breeding done on BA/DK would be lost upon getting that pet if you'd decide to merge BA with DK to get it.. Also doesn't make sense that it'd be cheaper to get than Firelord ><
                    Stalkers OP.

                    Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by venomeh View Post
                      Doesn't make sense tho that you could get the game's best pet as a reward from some random mob.. >_> + all the breeding done on BA/DK would be lost upon getting that pet if you'd decide to merge BA with DK to get it..
                      Well that's you're opinion. I'm not saying its the worlds best pet. I'm just saying that it consist as a demon king & a burning Ã*ngel morphed together. Not saying that It's the strongest. I mean that a pet that's just for fun. But anyways thanks for pointing that out.

                      "edit" wait sorry it does say that.. never mind. but not saying a random mob coming out and letting out powerful destruction for no reason & raping it with fierce power for no reason whats-so-ever. Not every Event suggestion is great. And i the only reason i made this event suggestion because loads of people are whinning about GMUTS and other people in my server are getting ****** because its hard to get Demon King. But thats Crystal Saga for you. You can't just get the games most powerful pet at a snap. You need to work hard for it. Thats when The forgotten king come in! Defeating this pet tales a lot of power, mate. And you get a reward for it too. And if you think you're not strong enough then no fear,dont be jelouse that other people stronger than you is getting all the fun by getting prizes such as Fragarach shards & Gmuts. The Forgotten King also drops prizes for people aswell. But random amount though. "SO" people won't whine about they working so damn hard and other players don't.

                      ~ G
                      Last edited by Gabriel; 10-22-2012, 01:28 PM. Reason: -.- dont ask.
                      •Class:Knight (Working on hybrid-ish 😊)
                      •Server:S51Cimmerian Woodlands
                      •Level: lv.60 ( Uber Nub x.x)
                      •Pet:Golden Teddy Bear+13 💯. Super Demon :cool:
                      •Please give credits to google for helping you with your homework. Thank you :) ✌


                      • #12
                        Also if anybody is wondering about the "Heart Of Immortality" i will make a thread about that soon. And as a bonus of boredom-ness i will make another thread about "The Silver Collection" for people who have obtained the "The Forgotten Ice King" as a reward. That Will be All... For now...MWHAHAHHA! *puts creativity face on* >
                        •Class:Knight (Working on hybrid-ish 😊)
                        •Server:S51Cimmerian Woodlands
                        •Level: lv.60 ( Uber Nub x.x)
                        •Pet:Golden Teddy Bear+13 💯. Super Demon :cool:
                        •Please give credits to google for helping you with your homework. Thank you :) ✌


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Saisaishi View Post
                          Imma read more of it after work but from skimming it and the items offered it seems like a good lil event.
                          Thanks for your opinion.Really Apreciated.. D:< wrong spelling..
                          •Class:Knight (Working on hybrid-ish 😊)
                          •Server:S51Cimmerian Woodlands
                          •Level: lv.60 ( Uber Nub x.x)
                          •Pet:Golden Teddy Bear+13 💯. Super Demon :cool:
                          •Please give credits to google for helping you with your homework. Thank you :) ✌


                          • #14
                            Well Imo it sounds good event, just would like to see the pet "Ice/Forgotten King" to be left out.. As that'd simply be an overkill & really unfair for those who've worked their way to get BA/DK & Gen it. ><
                            Stalkers OP.

                            Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by venomeh View Post
                              Well Imo it sounds good event, just would like to see the pet "Ice/Forgotten King" to be left out.. As that'd simply be an overkill & really unfair for those who've worked their way to get BA/DK & Gen it. ><
                              when you morph it with BA and DK you will get even more special skills and prizes. Hatch it you will only have to work you're way up.
                              •Class:Knight (Working on hybrid-ish 😊)
                              •Server:S51Cimmerian Woodlands
                              •Level: lv.60 ( Uber Nub x.x)
                              •Pet:Golden Teddy Bear+13 💯. Super Demon :cool:
                              •Please give credits to google for helping you with your homework. Thank you :) ✌

