Ok so we have Sipho kiss, from the description it shows it will reduce the target's magic attack by 18% for 10 seconds. If the magic value get's below 20% it dazes: now here it get's unclear. The Magic value they mean magic attack? This never reaches below 20%.
The actual effect of Sipho is slightly more logical: During the 10 seconds, every time the target attacks it's mana get's drained for 18%. <20% after the 10sec a daze activates.
Change the description into
"decreases mana of target every hit, lasts 10 seconds."
"Target mana drain per hit: 18%"
Suggestion for skill itself:
Something like this with a cooldown of 4min20sec is way too long? Mages have a daze every 30sec for AoE, knights got a stun, rogues have several all within a rather short cooldown (below 30sec all I believe).
More reasonable for Sipho would be 50sec?
Feel free to comment and add more suggestion if so, this is just what I came across with during testing.