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  • Compensation!

    how much longer will this take, i have already missed out on Island of Blessing, the first Treasure Trove for quartermaster token, my guild is gone, so we cannot do Seig, We cant do nimbus, we cant do battle ground, we cant do ALLOT of stuff, you guys need to compensate BIG time this time, im talking something more then Crappy Health Orbs, this is ridiculous. if u guys want my money there better be a decent compensation this time. Otherwise there are plenty of new MMORPGS that ive been interested in checking out that would LOVE my money.

    And DONT forget this isn't just not be able to play this morning, I couldn't Grind ALL night up till Maintenance because we went down at 1am this started
    We need a fair comp Please!
    No 2EXP comp like usual

    The poll is expired.

    Last edited by Reverie; 04-09-2015, 12:13 PM. Reason: Posts merged.

  • #2
    Yes would be nice to get a REAL Compensation not these epic fails ones they always do!!!!!!
    Life too short to live with regrets


    • #3
      Originally posted by Krunix420 View Post
      how much longer will this take, i have already missed out on Island of Blessing, the first Treasure Trove for quartermaster token, my guild is gone, so we cannot do Seig, We cant do nimbus, we cant do battle ground, we cant do ALLOT of stuff, you guys need to compensate BIG time this time, im talking something more then Crappy Health Orbs, this is ridiculous. if u guys want my money there better be a decent compensation this time. Otherwise there are plenty of new MMORPGS that ive been interested in checking out that would LOVE my money.
      Yeah big stuff up should = big rewards r2.
      Angel Island
      Shadow Guild
      Rogue Scion
      Gorilla Titan


      • #4
        Normally I would not add into a Rant however this Screw up of urs R2 is affecting more then just the Members of my guild as I'm sure you have Noticed alot of the Deleted Toon's are from our Merged Server Group witch our guild is the Land Grab Champs of so not only is our Guild Deleted but others from our Grouping Find it hard to Believe ya'all only hit our Server Group and as a Paying Customer I wanna see some kind comp that's not Stuff we can already get with ease...

        In-case I lost you Programmers and Mods I'm talking Cash Shop Items(Unbound) for Every Toon on the Server Group this mis-Coding has not only Deleted Toons and Guilds but now players that Payed Cash Money for the In-Game Marriage are Divorced that's 1k Crystals for just the Ring not to Mention the other cash Shop Items needed for a Royal Wedding
        Last edited by ShadowAxle1; 04-09-2015, 01:40 PM. Reason: filter
        Crystal Saga
        Server: Kraken Beach (S33)
        IGN: (S33)ShadowAxle1
        Class: Mage(Hybrid)
        Guild: SoulOfRuins just another noob :P
        Plane/Level: Eidolon/122
        Pet Of Choice: Burning Angel Gen 3 :D Level of pet:126 :D

        Eternal Saga
        Server: S35
        Class: Worrier


        • #5
          i just hope i get my character (S23)RastafariCat back of (S23)Angel Island


          • #6
            CS compensation is nothing other than trash. However, if by any miracle that they don't [mess] us up this time, I want gpow :/
            Last edited by Reverie; 04-09-2015, 05:26 PM. Reason: Removed censor.


            • #7
              Must be a good compensation :P

              if not a good compensation i ll be waiting for my pack with the 2 x exp token and 1 orb #05
              Last edited by Reverie; 04-09-2015, 08:28 PM. Reason: Posts merged.


              • #8
                I didn't lose my character but my sister did so i've only really missed out on guild things but she has missed out on everything. It's just annoying having no guild and friends not being able to play. Normally r2's compensation doesn't really benefit the beastmaster compensation we got a while back that gave bound prom feathers...when there's only 1 person on our server who even has prom wings lol so we need compensation that is actually going to benefit us.
                160+ Eidolon Knight
                Apocolypse Co-leader
                (S36)JustinMazing's Wife <3


                • #9
                  There better be decent compensation, or im quitting, because it just feels like R2 does not care about there customers and there just Bean counting


                  • #10
                    It is now 8:15pm and you have TOTALLY screwed us not only from DAILY events, but 1 day less of SPECIAL events!! this is Bull and I am 100% serious if there is not a decent compensation for what I've missed and screwing my day, plus taking a day from my VIP. I will be leaving this game, and I am sure many people will follow!!! FIX this NOW!! my character and my losses!!
                    Last edited by Reverie; 04-09-2015, 08:29 PM. Reason: Removed censor.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ShadowGammaDraco
                      Agree there should be a compensation, at least to the effected people who have missed most of the days events and since don't have character access ability/even if when it's restored still missed gaming time

                      Compensation should be a bit better for this situation, and I'm guessing a lot on this server are max level as well since I've lingered here before since around start of one of the servers lol~it's a semi older server group basically.

                      Can usually collect around 1-2platinum by farming dungeons and selling just the loot and afk loot. usually can get a good amount of gems as well from dungeons, as a 120 on another server one day of full dungeons roughly gets me 90-100+ purified crystals, energy particles, few dragon crystals
                      Take into Account Alot of us don't have time to just chill and wait for stuff I'm lucky to get 4 dungeons a day done I have a Job and seeing my hard work I put into starting my guild let alone making it strong again after the Co-Founder bailed on me that leaves my in-game fam without a place to feel welcome... So to sit here and say if your toon was not Deleted Screw you not really fair to some of us I'm still working on my stuff and so is slot of others to make this about lvl is [?] as you are Clearly only taking in to account older servers like S12 it is only fair everyone gets something Agreed those who's toons got removed deserve it but I and others like myself took a stats hit by our guilds being deleted which will make farming alot harder!!!!
                      Last edited by Reverie; 04-09-2015, 08:29 PM. Reason: Removed censor.
                      Crystal Saga
                      Server: Kraken Beach (S33)
                      IGN: (S33)ShadowAxle1
                      Class: Mage(Hybrid)
                      Guild: SoulOfRuins just another noob :P
                      Plane/Level: Eidolon/122
                      Pet Of Choice: Burning Angel Gen 3 :D Level of pet:126 :D

                      Eternal Saga
                      Server: S35
                      Class: Worrier


                      • #12
                        whether it can come back to main char we all or no?? :'(


                        • #13
                          I'm all for a rant and commend those who are sticking up for not just their friends or guilds but the community. Granted their is an understanding that mistakes do happen but I can understand the opinions and anger these players have in regards to this issue. I just recently returned so I play on the newer servers so haven't experienced anything like this but I do agree that a "real compinsation" should be provided in this situation.

                          I support those who have been affected by this mishap and cross my fingers in hopes that you receive a compensation that is deserved. Good luck guys and gals. It is frustrating but hang in their. I have faith in r2's ability to see how serious this is and that they will compensate accordingly


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ShadowGammaDraco

                            wasn't saying the others don't matter, was suggesting the people without characters entirely are for sure deserving of something nice since missing a lot and events at least to open up discussion about a fair comp for everyone since I'm guessing it might not be easy to send a bunch of specific people things either. . each players earning potential is always different as well I've always understood that was just giving a estimate if did dungeons. have a list of things other players have suggested as well that missing.
                            If feel like something should be included feel free to post! will help players be heard on this. can't make any promises since I'm not a dev but will help out where can.
                            that I do agree with those missing the toons as such should get a better compensation however the Past(EVERY TIME)we get something stupid like Health Orbs as the common not as Majorly affected. me and those who are now guildless not only have lost all of our guild skills but to make it sound like everyone has a Uber toon kinda Urks me tbh. I had to stop playing do to time constraints for a Few Years and now I come Back and not even a month later everything has gone out the window ppl guildless loss of Marriage loss of toons and those guildless cannot join/create a New guild for 24 hours not to mention the guild contributions those players had for sure give something sweet to those whom lost there toons but also keep in mind we do not want something like 2x Exp and a Health Orbs and Please no Promi Wings there is maybe one or 2 ppl in our server Group that need them.
                            Last edited by ShadowAxle1; 04-09-2015, 10:13 PM. Reason: Spelling Error
                            Crystal Saga
                            Server: Kraken Beach (S33)
                            IGN: (S33)ShadowAxle1
                            Class: Mage(Hybrid)
                            Guild: SoulOfRuins just another noob :P
                            Plane/Level: Eidolon/122
                            Pet Of Choice: Burning Angel Gen 3 :D Level of pet:126 :D

                            Eternal Saga
                            Server: S35
                            Class: Worrier


                            • #15
                              Zen its nioce to see ya, and thank you for your comment

