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Dungeon Blitz

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  • Dungeon Blitz

    Quick and fast way to do the dungeons would be awesome! most of us have completed them like a thousand times or more or something after all these years playing XD
    can be very time consuming as well. think about takes a hour or more for me on nightmare mode up to 110 dungeon as a 120 lv. lower levels and starting out revenants vault can take hours .
    think would be nice for if have completed all the levels at least once(similar to how it says must complete normal or hard first)

    Any suggestions to improve concept? can't make promises on blitz mode but will help be heard! might have been suggested before as well

    could make it so the loot goes to temp storage if inventory full
    yes please!
    Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 05-10-2015, 03:40 AM.

  • #2
    Would kinda kill the purpose of making a char that's strong PvE.


    • #3
      A similar thread regarding blitz mode:


      • #4
        I don't see how it could kill the purpose of making character strong for PVE, you can still choose to do them manually and its only for dungeons. You would still have ladder, void, corruption etc where your character actually need to be strong to clear it.

        I suggested something similar not long ago just little different approach


        • #5
          awesome idea shadow and no it wont kill the purpose of pve as dung is not the only thing where u pve u got tons of other things
          maybe blitz wont be applies to the last dung but other ones i dont c y not!!


          • #6
            This. Is. Amazing. please let this one go through R2!


            • #7
              Not only will this make things way faster and less annoying, but R2 can make money off of some type of system like this. Yall can sell tickits that allow u to blitz a dungeon or u can view a system like off of eternal saga or lunaria story and just have the drops obtainable via mail service. R2 u can make this happen very easily and you can make money off of it. Please look into this. Me being a casher would love to cash through my dungeons instead of farming for hours a day. please look into this and thank you.
              💎Crystal Saga💎
              ☆Game Name: (s61)kanyo™
              ☆Death Tank
              ☆PvP King at your service
              Upgrading a system and seeing the new *look* it gives is one of the best feelings huh? 😅

              “You’re more important than my sword. …But just a little.”
              — Angeal (Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core)


              • #8
                Please make this a reality.


                • #9
                  This would be a great idea and I would like for it to become an reality. We really need a faster way to do dungeons, most of us don't have the time to do it, and if you havnt noticed all the events are right after each other starting at 12 all the way to 10pm when the last event is over, so a faster way to do dungeons can make things a whole lot easier


                  • #10
                    consider this, you get 5 runs per day on each dungeon, suppose it was changed to 35 runs per week, so if you are off a full day, you could do all your runs so on days when you have little play time, you arent missing out, no way to take advantage as in it would still be same number of runs per week. some of us work 2 jobs and during work days are lucky to even get 1 dungeon set in, while on day(s) off, after 5 runs, there isnt much else to do in event off time hours, perhaps a setting if you want 5 daily or 35 weekly to give more flexibilty on when you can get those runs in?


                    • #11
                      anything helping dungeons go faster sounds like good idea. there is so many events in short time that can barely find enough time to do few dungeons on days off, work days just got to skip them.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Wreckingball5 View Post
                        consider this, you get 5 runs per day on each dungeon, suppose it was changed to 35 runs per week, so if you are off a full day, you could do all your runs so on days when you have little play time, you arent missing out, no way to take advantage as in it would still be same number of runs per week. some of us work 2 jobs and during work days are lucky to even get 1 dungeon set in, while on day(s) off, after 5 runs, there isnt much else to do in event off time hours, perhaps a setting if you want 5 daily or 35 weekly to give more flexibilty on when you can get those runs in?
                        I think this would be the way to solve the problem. i doubt R2 would allow auto runs thats like telling everyone they are now allowed to bot. giving flexibility as to when you want to do them is a great idea. it could be set up between server resets. each week with your new events it resets your weekly runs.

                        wow my signature is
                        out of date.
                        Last edited by Reverie; 05-11-2015, 08:58 PM. Reason: Posts merged.
                        Name: (S52)Shaz
                        Server: (S52)Plethuran Plains
                        Plane: Eidolon 149
                        Class: Fire mage Hybrid Ice support
                        Nobility: Emperor
                        Pet: Guardian angel+13 Gen 3, Emperor Demon +13 Gen 3, Firelord +13, Golden teady +13 Gen 2, Ultresourus Rex +13
                        Mount: Hellwing
                        Guild: (S52)Elysium - Co-Guild Master
                        Wings: Ultimate Demon lord +3
                        Zodiac: Max
                        Beast Soul: tiger
                        Soul: 1138

