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Server too full

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  • Server too full

    I do not know if this is the proper place for it, and not do to help the team in any decision .. However, I as a player, I'm not feeling comfortable with the new change. Now there are six servers within a. What was already packed, is now unplayable. If I did not like so much crystal saga, has reportedly stopped. No longer able to play that way. (S4) Kurosaknivez. / / (S4) + (S5) + (S7) <~ Perfect. More servers coupled? There condition. We are not satisfied.

    Please return the servers as they were.

  • #2
    make it 7 servers kuro . We have S4 - S5 - S7 - S8 S9 S16 - S20 this is a load of **** D: Please return Back to Normal Merge servers As 3 servers only .
    And now i'ma loosing cypt And stuff and ♥♥♥♥ s8 s9 s16 s20 players kicking myass anywhere
    Last edited by MemoryLane; 11-13-2012, 07:50 PM. Reason: language

    Game :Wartune
    IGN: Palpablesage
    Class: Mage
    Level: 19
    Game: Wartune
    IGN: MrNemesis


    • #3
      Yes..and laggy everytime..with no people on the screen and no effects, my mouse don't move


      • #4
        Please return the servers to it's usual place

        I dislike the fact that over 500 players are at the same place at one time and how it is really unfair to slow players/bad internet speed get lagged or very slow player control and all the chats are full with no space/room for players to read the chat. I hope this will end and all the normal servers will go back to it's place with fun chat/game time to enjoy. If anyone dislikes this then they should ask R2 to move them to a different server. I think this will lead to less players and less Facebook/Twitter favorites throughout the time the servers are combined.



        • #5
          I got to 15 on crypt but the lag was so bad i couldn't click to receive my prize. This is with my friend's account (S4)Krystelle.



          • #6
            Wassup Bro ? xD
            I can say i Pretty much Have 4 BARS And i Can't even mve without lagging .

            Game :Wartune
            IGN: Palpablesage
            Class: Mage
            Level: 19
            Game: Wartune
            IGN: MrNemesis


            • #7
              are u showing off ur bad wings??? XDD of cuz it's laggy and wont let u upgrade?


              • #8
                Sorta Yeah my wings sucks pretty much Dx

                Game :Wartune
                IGN: Palpablesage
                Class: Mage
                Level: 19
                Game: Wartune
                IGN: MrNemesis


                • #9
                  Once servers are merged, it is not possible to unmerge them.
                  New R2 Community Discord Server:

                  Received a random forum error? Refresh the page first, sometimes the error message is the error.

                  Some inboxes are broken, including mine. Please don't send me private messages at this time.

                  Rules of the Forum are found here.

                  R2Games Ticket System for browser games:


                  • #10
                    Any merge cannot be undone, so no point asking for it.

                    And even though we have S4,5,7,8,9,16,20 merged together, it is TECHNICALLY only TWO servers: S4,5,7 as 1 merged server, and S8,9,16,20 as another. The reason why we are merged is because the population of each of the above merged server is low enough (lower than a single unmerged server). Therefore, even if we have people originally from 7 different servers, the merge is still can be seen to be for only 2 servers.


                    • #11
                      Ok, bye bye crystal saga for me.


                      • #12
                        But still, at least make it like super server 1 and that's where S5 etc. go to it's very confusing with the same number of servers.


                        • #13
                          Kuro i agree i might quit unless it starts getting faster


                          • #14
                            Nooo Linx Dun quit Dx

                            Game :Wartune
                            IGN: Palpablesage
                            Class: Mage
                            Level: 19
                            Game: Wartune
                            IGN: MrNemesis


                            • #15
                              yep we just have to live in a very lag game hahahaha
                              Bellas Chasm
                              Eidolon Knight
                              Ultrasaurus Rex gen 2
                              Demon Lord Wings +2

                              Amethyst Forest
                              Eidolon Priest
                              Ultrasaurus Rex Gen 3
                              Demon Lord Wings

