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Sperion gem suggestions

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  • Sperion gem suggestions

    So everyone knows that spernal ruin drops all types of sperion gems. However, they are all bound. And most of the time, people only stick to 1 gem combination, which requires only 3 types of gem at most, while we have there 7 different types of gems. This means that if you solo this dungeon (which is already happening and will be done by more people in the future as we get more contents for more powerful upgrades), more than half of the gems will be wasted as you will never need them.

    Therefore, I have the following two suggestions (only ONE of them should be implemented and it will be fine):

    1. Make the gems unbound, so we can trade / sell / buy the gems to get rid of what we don't need and get what we need faster. However, knowing that sperion is one of the late-game content and isn't meant to be easy to upgrade, I don't really like this idea since anyone with tons of good-enough alts or gold can easily max out sperion gems. But on a bright side, it gives weaker player more chances to get the gems, which helps closing the power gap between players.

    2. Allow us to swap 1 type of gem for another, just like what we can do with normal gems. Of course there should be an exchanging fee, and the exchanging is only applicable to lvl 1-3 gems, so people can't just change their high-lvl combination easily as they wish. This idea would works better than the above, as it also allows us to make full use of ALL the gems we get. And similar to how soul and soul shards work, you need to actually put effort into the toon and have a sufficiently strong toon to get the upgrade, not just throwing gold at the problem and max out everything in a week or so. On the other hand, since this is similar to soul upgrade, it will widen the power gap between strong and weak players in the long run.

    Hope the above is considered and implemented.

  • #2
    Originally posted by nubheals View Post
    2. Allow us to swap 1 type of gem for another, just like what we can do with normal gems. Of course there should be an exchanging fee, and the exchanging is only applicable to lvl 1-3 gems, so people can't just change their high-lvl combination easily as they wish. This idea would works better than the above, as it also allows us to make full use of ALL the gems we get. And similar to how soul and soul shards work, you need to actually put effort into the toon and have a sufficiently strong toon to get the upgrade, not just throwing gold at the problem and max out everything in a week or so. On the other hand, since this is similar to soul upgrade, it will widen the power gap between strong and weak players in the long run.
    This is what they implemented in Wartune, tho there's no synth fee for that iirc. And yea I'd like to see this here as well.. >_>
    Stalkers OP.

    Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


    • #3
      Considering that if you only use level 3 gem, it will take you 600 pc to synth 1 level 7 gem.
      1800 pc for the set.

      Most people aim for level 7 gems, all above are just too expensive.
      3 level 10 gems (starting with 27 level 7 gem) will take almost 11k pc.

      I think, even if they were unbound, no one could just abuse alts to instant max their gems.
      You also need PC to morph your sperion, to feed your mount, to work on your soul, to synth fragshards and your regular gems, to synth elixirs and what not.

      I don't like the second suggestion, already too much of a clickfest in this game.


      • #4
        The second suggestion can be done by putting it into the synth menu, like what SoH does for their usual gem swap.

        And urg, ya, I forgot about PC cost for synth'ing those gems. But even so, my point is that, as an end-game content, I believe sperion shouldn't be allowed to max out just because a person has enough alts/gold.

        Still, I'm fine with any of the above, as long as R2 gives us a way to make FULL use of what we can farm :P If not, I wouldn't have suggested first option in the first place xD

        Oh and just thought of another advantage of the first point: you can use the farmed gems together with cash shop gems in synth'ing, thus I believe more people would buy those cash shop gems if the first option is picked for implementation.
        Last edited by nubheals; 11-15-2012, 02:48 PM.


        • #5
          Well, Fragarach is end-game too, and the items aint bound
          Another limitation is that there is currently no way besides cashing to obtain Soul Print ingame.
          (I know, there has been events and there gonna be more events, but this week, there is no way to get em)

          Level 7 gem require at least the gold sperion, not many people have them yet.
          I think there is no real need to have 2 limitations.


          • #6
            On the soul print part, I think, just like other new, high-lvl contents' upgrade materials (PUC, pet breeding stones, even GMUTs, EWings, etc.), R2 tends to give cashers a month or more to enjoy the advantage of having new contents first while the non-cashers are limited. Then after they see that it is the time, the new content's upgrade materials will be added into an in-game perma event.

            So until then, I will keep my hope up for perma prints event. Now I just wanna put my force/anger/balance spirits into good use first lol (I'm a priest)

