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Event Suggestions ~More Native American&Spanish&Pagan holidays etc

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  • Event Suggestions ~More Native American&Spanish&Pagan holidays etc
    * 11/2: Aztec Day of the Dead--Day for honoring the departed and Mictlancihuatl-Miclanteuctli, Goddess-God of the Dead. Aztecs believe all Gods are united in Great God Ometeuctli, all Goddesses are united in Great Goddess Omecihuatl, and the Great God and Goddess are united in Ometeoltl.

    * 11/2: Hopi & Zuni Ancestors' Day--Food offerings are put into rivers and lakes in honor of the ancestors.

    * 11/6: World Community Day--Day for celebrating the unity behind diversity and remembering we are all one people - all children of the one universal Deity of many names and aspects.
    11/11 to 11/24: Hopi & Zuni Shalako Festival--welcoming back to the pueblos the Kachinas/Kokos - Spirits of Nature and the ancestors that provide protection, health, fertility, and food. Kachina/Koko Dances invoke the Spirits into masked dancers.

    * 11/12: Birthday of Sr. Juana Ines de la Cruz (1651), Catholic nun and feminist poet. [Death day 4/17/1695]

    * 11/12 to 11/15: Tewa Buffalo Dance--focused on healing. Tewa rites honor Mother Earth, Father Sky, and the four directions and elements of life - air of the North, earth of the East, fire of the South, and waters of the West.

    * 11/16: Tolerance Day--Day to promote harmony in diversity through mutual respect and understanding of all, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, culture, language, nationality, or economic status

    11/19: Fast for an Abundant World Harvest--Day to fast and commit to action to help prevent deaths from malnourishment world-wide.
    12/12: First appearance of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of God and Mother of the Oppressed, at the former shrine of Aztec Moon Goddess Coatlicue (Mexico 1531).
    * 12/15: Day the Bill of Rights became part of the U.S. Constitution, guaranteeing fundamental rights to all (1791)
    12/21 to 1/9: Hopi & Zuni Soyala New Year Festival of purification and renewal. Homes are cleaned, fires doused, and personal restraint is observed.

    Feast days; pretty much a all year around thing almost- would work good with quartermaster token events alongside

    Green corn feast festival, basically make as awesome as the saint patricks day event - would be summer of next year

    think lots of parts of community would appreciate some of the original America

    open to suggestions on everything from community if could vote and comment when have a chance please!

    little bit native myself so studied bit how America "was made" etc. Grey owl is also a interesting movie

    a semi permanent and decent feast all year would be nice either for this thanksgiving or for next year starting- think would make all the players happy.

    Pagan holidays would be interesting too, roughly the same setup = celebrating the seasons and perpetual growth cycles of nature etc.
    \Imbolc As the first cross-quarter day following Midwinter this day falls on the first of February and traditionally marks the first stirrings of spring. It is time for purification and spring cleaning in anticipation of the year's new life. In Rome, it was historically a shepherd's holiday.
    As is often the case with Celtic deities who are described as threefold, she is seen as three sisters, all named Brigid, who perform various functions in society, such as healing, poetry and smithcraft
    could have write vidalian poetry event with some other stuff / design a new gear or something and best one R2 &one from community pick will get made /discussed to make possible. some events tailored to give priests naise stuff or special buffs

    Vernal Equinox (Ostara)
    The vernal equinox, in Germanic traditions often called Ostara, a word invented by Grimm in the 1840s[citation needed], inaugurates the new year on the Zodiacal calendar. From this point on, days are longer than the nights. Many mythologies[who?] regard this as the time of rebirth or return for vegetation gods (e.g. Attis) and celebrate the spring equinox as a time of great fertility.[14][17]

    Egg decorating is a very common tradition in vernal equinox celebrations throughout Europe.[14][17]

    Germanic pagans dedicate the holiday to their fertility goddess Ostara (the eastern star). She is notably associated with the fecund symbols of the hare and egg. Her teutonic name may be etymological ancestor of the words east and Easter

    -we already do a few of these events just call them by basic names in a few ways- christmas - easter etc etc. they need pumped up more
    Main articles: Beltane, Floralia and Walpurgis Night

    Traditionally the first day of summer in Ireland, in Rome the earliest celebrations appeared in pre-Christian times with the festival of Flora, the Roman goddess of flowers, and the Walpurgis Night celebrations of the Germanic countries.[22]

    Since the Christianization of Europe, a more secular version of the festival has continued in Europe and America. In this form, it is well known for maypole dancing and the crowning of the Queen of the May.

    could make a special buff - have people "dance"/add a string and circle around the poll for a chance to be named queen and get a special outfit +buffs. the more people around the more gifts get sent to the queen and people around. almost like blessed rain. some fireworks etc. encourage taking pics etc and posting videos of it. something everyone has chance to participate in. maybe pick a queen or two a day for the week ;p. something for guys too/"king for a day"

    Title suggestion:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	alicorn.png
Views:	1
Size:	55.7 KB
ID:	1777607
    little rough outline of something that might look neat at the title so people could see it clearly etc so can all gather around person who is king or queen of the event for half day or day
    We love it! Yes please!!
    just a few would be great to do!
    focus on one/a really good one of these please
    not interested
    Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 10-19-2015, 11:56 AM.

  • #2
    up to the top !!


    • #3
      Personally, I think the team needs to work on promoting/keeping up with existing holiday events. As of late, we've been missing holiday events entirely.


      • #4
        its an idea - but not one I agree with or support. this is window dressing and there far too many FUNCTIONAL issues that need to be addressed.


        • #5
          Originally posted by R2142020 View Post
          its an idea - but not one I agree with or support. this is window dressing and there far too many FUNCTIONAL issues that need to be addressed.
          Such as magic blast II STILL ebing bugged. I am tired of this ability stunning me, removing 20% of my health, or killing me outright.


          • #6
            *makes a note* not to get a magic blast when my priesty gets there XD


            • #7
              Originally posted by pronoob View Post
              *makes a note* not to get a magic blast when my priesty gets there XD
              Magic blast ONE works just fine, it is the lvl 155 skill that is borked.

