Starglade Riot SERVER TIME 22:00 and 01.30.. Riot Duration:10mins A stage created in starglade....Only Available in L1.After 1 person says a question on the stage, you need to head for the NPC:BattleMaster In Starglade to choose your teams,Yes or NO.If you agree on what a player says on stage, u join team yes,if you don't agree on what he/she says,join team NO. Then head for L3.And go to your Respective Groups. Starglade Protest SERVER TIME 22:10 and 01.40..Duration 1 hour.. Team Yes or No must line up and finally the screen would write the word PVP ENABLED You need to choose a team or else you can't PK..The groups Yes or No must kill each other's team players..The Group with the most number of kills wins the match .Losers: _Purified CrystalsX5_Frageron Soul ShardX10_Ice ShardX10......Winners:Purified CrystalsX10_Frageron Soul ShardX20_Ice ShardX20_Gold Honor BadgeX2_
If you Agree on this idea,Please send me a message.....................Thanks!
If you Agree on this idea,Please send me a message.....................Thanks!