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  • Scammaers

    (S49)yhumier is a big scammer i gave her 2 p and 43g but she did not give me the dress i needde she is a big scammer dont give her price and gold if she go to any where the we can PK i will kill you (S49)yhumier i will bane you if you dont give the dress or give the money i gave you back
    Last edited by killerskiller; 11-26-2012, 12:48 AM.
    Never judge a book by its cover.

  • #2
    Hopefully she gives you your money back willingly.

    In the meantime, you should file a ticket at so that staff can investigate.
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    • #3
      scamming is a big problem and we cant really stop it but if r2games would put some sort of tracker on the people that say there going to buy ou this and that that as soon as they get the crystals is buys and sent that item to that person but only if that person is a sammer tying to rip some one offbecause me and my wife have bee scamed before and its not fun just giving away your cash


      • #4
        Good day,
        It is a matter of thinking on how you deal with it. Please check my thread to avoid being scammed.
        Never trust a stranger.

        Have a nice day!
        "80s music, the greatest era of being in love."
        Character Name: Margareta
        Baby Spice from Spice Girls

        " I'm a girl who loves pink, I'm the pinkest in the server."
        :oFavorite Song:

        Server: The Void
        Level 82 Eidolon Protection Knight
        Genbu Rider

        Helpful Threads:


        • #5
          MemoryLane comes up with the neatest avatars and signatures :P
          All The World's A Stage


