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S94 Disconnect Issues

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  • S94 Disconnect Issues

    What I would like to do here is start a new thread that can be helpful in helping the IT department try to help pinpoint down the problem. What I would like is everyone that's online when it crashes post on here what you were doing/time and location during the crash.

    Myself at exactly 2100 server time during a dungeon run, boom system message for avernal and instant 17k ping.

    Mods if you could help me out here and keep this thread clean from anything other then info related to server crashes it would be helpful.

    Again if you could please post the time of your disconnect as that could be helpful sorting through the data files as of what is happening during these exact times.
    Last edited by R2435384; 04-18-2016, 04:03 PM. Reason: Clarity

  • #2
    Just finished collecting guild resources.
    Game was being really laggy
    So I restarted my browser.
    After that couldn't get in any more.
    IGN: Squishy (s.94) Crystal Saga


    • #3
      I was in starglade at vault trying to put items inside but nothing was moveing


      • #4
        Originally posted by R2435384 View Post
        Mods if you could help me out here and keep this thread clean from anything other then info related to server crashes it would be helpful.
        Sure thing. So, to all who post in this thread, it's for S94, and should follow the very specific topic addressed here, else it will be removed for being off topic. Thanks


        • #5
          I was doing TG (Training Grounds) then it got lag sudden 19k ms ping+ then it wont load that's why I decided to reload/restart the browser then it failed it connect :x


          • #6
            2 so far today for myself once at 08:55 during a dungeon run 46k ping this one was only brief may by 20 or so seconds and another at about 10:10 grinding 38k ping.


            • #7
              I was in BC killing last boss 40k ping.


              • #8
                12:51 PST, got on about 8 minutes ago, did one run of BC, suddenly i have 37457 ms ping.

                Edit: make that 269545 ms ping. I find it odd that despite my extremely high ping number, I didn't get kicked off the server until 1:00 PST exactly.
                Last edited by deadgrimthanatos; 04-18-2016, 04:08 PM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by deadgrimthanatos View Post
                  1:51 PST, got on about 8 minutes ago, did one run of BC, suddenly i have 37457 ms ping.

                  Edit: make that 269545 ms ping.
                  Again same as him standing in SG by wishing well


                  • #10
                    Once more 13:35 tree of life just standing there 40k ping


                    • #11
                      Roses. Lagged me out. Now it shows failed to connect.


                      • #12
                        Again 15:49 exiting seng walking to teleporter 20k ping.


                        • #13
                          Training grounds 17:19 30k ping


                          • #14
                            Bloodfang Village, selling loot, 1:55 server time.


                            • #15
                              Same time. Dungeon run 28k ping.

