Suggest to add 10 more corrupt levels, stronger bosses. Like uber ***** strong bosses that require blue pixie to defeat lmao.
For real make this challenging and add Gold dragon coins to end packs and better needed item for the NEW Tabs u added like polish, anima and celestial thing.
Could add imbue items to packs etc. My buddy (s32)moongoddess claims to have cashed 230+ gold coins and gotten no exquisite crystals from them so it's not
like you would lose money on the cashers trying to cash to +18 equips lol.
For real make this challenging and add Gold dragon coins to end packs and better needed item for the NEW Tabs u added like polish, anima and celestial thing.
Could add imbue items to packs etc. My buddy (s32)moongoddess claims to have cashed 230+ gold coins and gotten no exquisite crystals from them so it's not
like you would lose money on the cashers trying to cash to +18 equips lol.