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Esd Equip Upgrades

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  • Esd Equip Upgrades


    my last post didn't get GM attention yet, also got filled with quite a lot of personal opinions about the things that might happen or not. However, only a GM can answer this.

    Will we get the ESD upgrades?

    Chinese servers do have it. It's kinda a waste to use full esd on the next set again, so I suggest to add this. (For example Netheran Set to Purgatory Set will only be half the ESD cost)
    I only want to know if we might get this in the next few weeks, you should know already what is gonna be added and what not.
    If you don't plan to add this in the next few weeks, then please tell us. As much as I don't like to waste my ESD, I won't want to wait for the next cap raise to use them.


    (Only half the ESD cost)
    Last edited by sebastian1988; 12-08-2012, 01:51 AM.

  • #2
    :P wow that would actually help a lot and does make sense, since you did use esd before. Just sucks if they do it because got the gaunts already :S lol but yeah, ESD is a pretty rare item. Don't think there's even been many events for ESD reward, always therion for some reason. Some people get it in crypt, but its a pretty low chance and it doesn't really circulate throughout server I think. Some people worked really hard for their orange armor and even have full set which could've taken 100+ ESD. If they do this it would help out the hard-working players who had orange armor before instead of having to just vault the previous orange gear and let it gather dust in the vault. Hope they implement this


    • #3
      I doubt they will tell us how to save money from their game >> Same with first releasing +15 enchantments, and only after that the new gear sets: burning through DC's on the legendary equip for nothing anyone? PvP-set still not released on top of that. Not trying to insult anyone, just being realistic with how they have worked so far with previews on new releases and the 'logical' order in them.
      Last edited by speeds16; 12-08-2012, 05:27 AM.
      Crystal Saga:
      IGN: speeds
      Server: Windshear Peaks
      Lv 120 [Eidolon] Nature Ranger - Emperor
      Proud owner of the Lv 120 [Eidolon] Holy priest alt, double-parked outside
      Officially the #1 Nature Ranger of Windshear Peaks & six merged servers

      Wartune (semi-inactive):
      IGN: Speeds16
      Server: Temple of Ibalize
      Lv45 Archer - Guild Luminaire

