*Its about time we have additional corruption levels that will give rewards such as gold dragon coins, more puc, wunderkinds items etc. Please also revise corruption packs and instead of getting banner socketing rods on other packs why not have another df rewards to make it worth doing? 
*Another one is add more rewards from wrangle event, copper discs are just sitting there and no other good rewards to exchange it. Probably add rewards like gpows, df, puc and other items just to make sure we can also use the copper discs
*Add more tries in synthesizing legend gems, com'on 1 try per day is just
prolly make it at least 3- 5 tries per day since its also 10 per synth
*Make a synth system for rune like the ones on gems #04 its a waste of time placing the rune one by one and synthesizing them and wasting time, make it at least like gems synthesizing so we can just synth and look at the runes we got
*How about making a loyalty log in program rewards like more consecutive days, months or years will give u much higher log in rewards.

*Another one is add more rewards from wrangle event, copper discs are just sitting there and no other good rewards to exchange it. Probably add rewards like gpows, df, puc and other items just to make sure we can also use the copper discs

*Add more tries in synthesizing legend gems, com'on 1 try per day is just

*Make a synth system for rune like the ones on gems #04 its a waste of time placing the rune one by one and synthesizing them and wasting time, make it at least like gems synthesizing so we can just synth and look at the runes we got

*How about making a loyalty log in program rewards like more consecutive days, months or years will give u much higher log in rewards.
