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Prolong Seng to make it longer

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  • Prolong Seng to make it longer

    I like playing seng and it finish in 5 min or last. I think there should be a time limit before the crystal can be destroy. Like wait 15 minutes (or more).

    Level: xxx

  • #2
    and let those eido do spawnkill feast? heaven no
    They told me that to make you fall in love with me, I had to make you laugh...
    But everytime you laugh, I'm the one who falls in love...


    • #3
      not all eido's spawn kill >.> depends on the person


      • #4
        Why can't they just create seng for different planes? It will reduce lag and strong character sniping weak characters!


        • #5
          Get strong, wont get sniped.


          • #6
            plane has nothing too do with strong chars sniping weak ones its all about making ur char stronger if they did sperate by plane then some ppl would hit 80 as a mortal and just farm them for honor and silvers o.o"


            • #7
              Im a mortal on the new server...and i can basically solo camp the other spawn if i so please. Plane doesnt really make a difference, cashing does. I dont camp the spawn becuase like everyone says its lame to spawn camp weaker players. But still plane wont make a difference.


              • #8
                I think planes make a difference. They already learn their scion and ediolion skill.


                • #9
                  The plane really doesn't make a difference. I was seeing 5 minute Sengs long before Scion was released and before being able to attack while sitting with the regen buff after spawning. That's level 70-80 mortals able to keep the spawn point on lock down and kill the crystal. Back then the complaint wasn't about plane, it was about level. Some people even took it as far as people in Slayer gear should have their own Seng.

                  Unfortunately, there is no fix for this. The adjustments that were made already is the scope of what the devs were able to reasonably do for Seng. That is, it would be easier to create a new battleground than to overhaul Sengolia.
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                  • #10
                    GIve the xtral more hp lots more hp it will help
                    Server: The Wilterlands

                    My guides <---Mages/Easy pet leveling ---> Weekly events and promotions--->


                    • #11
                      That would make it nice to have a limit before you could burst attack on the crystal but r2 still has times were one team won't get any members for awhile, once all the bugs and kinks are worked out with team legit speration then it will be quite perfect. Also they could get no spawn killing by separating it further back to where the range can't reach till a certain point. It'll give time got all classes to use their skills before they get mercily killed.
                      Lil by lil my signature will become better.

                      Ign: Sai
                      Level: 130
                      Class: Rogue
                      Plane: Eidolon
                      Honor: Emperor
                      Server: (S31)TreeOfLife
                      Guild: Rebels
                      Pet: DemonKing


                      • #12
                        yea having beeen in a seng where its legit 20 ppl against 1 person it can get quiet ridiculous ._."


                        • #13
                          how ppl get in teams in seng is 1 blue next red 3rd blue next red and so on, so that once u enter u can start playing. Fast simple way depends on in which order players entered, i dont think it needs to be changed.

                          About crystal, it either has to get more hp or enough def so all hits on it r 1, having twice as the hp of avernal boos is a good idea, about towers, they dont really make a differance, they can stay as they r

                          as for weak players getting 1 hit killed; seng is red team vs blue team so play on that basis and team up against strong players, also dont forget about healing battle potions those can save u lots of times, i lose many 1v1 coz im too cheap to spend mine
                          Support this please

                          IGN: (s28)Tadashi

