So I'm officially done with this game. There have been complaints and more complaints in this game and nothing is being done about it....what am I talking about? Scions. They have ****** me off for the last time. I'm so sick of them getting away with respawn killing in seng and just being bullys to all low levels in the game. I don't know about other servers but in mine (Void Encampment), it's just ridiculous. Barely anyone plays seng anymore and when you do these scions do nothing but spawn kill you over and over and over and over again. I'm a knight and have put soo much time and effort into my character that moving to another server is just not an option for me. I have all gold savage gear and need to move up one more honor rank until I can get purple. This is my time to save up all the silver medals I can get....but it's impossible. I have enough for one gear and have had the same amount of silvers for over a month now because the mean scions play 24-7 and do every event and pull the same **** everytime. Then when I go to speak up my mind in world chat about how unfair it is, I'm the one that gets mouthed off at? Just because you are able to be an ******* in this game doesn't mean you should continue to be one. The scions try to justify the bullying and killing and spawn killing they do because there is nothing in this game that prevents them from doing so. It's messed up. I do not have fun anymore in this game despite all my effort to try to level and get stronger. As long as the scions have free reign to be bullys I will not play this game anymore. Bye
No announcement yet.
Officially Done
That's not the point I'm trying to make. I have gold savage right now it's purple I'm working for. If things continue the way they are it will take me a whole year or more to get purple gear. But I'm not giving up all my work and moving on because of a few players. Something needs to be done to stop them. Numerous people have stopped playing already so if I have to quit too then I will. Maybe then the GMs will do something
I moved servers as a scion with 300+ soul development and decent gear after some....issues....with people in-game. Spawnkilling happens, scion or not, and sometimes starting over is a good idea. I miss my old mage, but at least I can be helpful to most for some time on my current server. Scions think they can get away with things, mainly because they do and have enough power to keep others outbursts and uproars quiet in-game. Not all scions are like that, but some like being that way. Finding a way to make spawnkilling less of an issue has been up in the air for a while. For now, either slowly work at the badges and honor, or change a server. Quitting over people being a royal pain really isn't the way to go.There will be no tomorrow should we fail to use the lessons of the past to survive today.
Crystal SagaIGN: Codawg
Server: Celestial Haven
Guild: BrimStone
Class: Beastmaster
Random Stats: Weak. I'm weak, ok?
Wife: PinkPretty (she's not nice)
Level: Somewhere between noob and legend v-v
i am a scion, and i don't even bother with seng much anymore o.o i get all the silvers i need in ladder and wishing well usually. honestly, i'm tired of reading scion does this, scion does that etc. you have the full opportunity to level up and fight back. scion only gives 60 attributes more than you could get an mortal and a couple new skills that don't really make too much difference in seng. 60 attributes are not enough to whine how scions are OP. you know why we are strong? soul and wings and possibly mount. if you spent a little more time leveling,wings,soul and working on honor'd notice a huge difference in your power level. be happy you have gold savages. my server didn't hit any gold gear until some people were already 80. gold vs purple savage is negligible in stats and won't help you anymore in events. what will help you the most is hitting 80 and turning that level 40 junk into slayer gear.
I dealt with constant hunting in GR, in seng even scions deal with spawn killing when 2 mages a ranger and a knight all try to spawn kill (all80+) i even dealt with people hunting my entire guild for afk moding on any grind maps so the hunters could use redemption bosses to kill us (this hunt lasted like 3 months). some people quit, some people stayed, some people still are level 40 after 5 months but play every day...and then some people like me looked at it as one more challenge to overcome so we worked our rears off getting stronger so we could compete. i'm not perfect or the strongest, but at least i can compete and help others out now and i generally don't like spawn killing...and i always try to kill anyone who does spawn kill when i die and catch them there...but the funny thing is those people whining about spawn killing in my server still don't move even after i rescue them. o.o
btw, there are some mortals who are just as much of a bully as scion...people label scions only because we rebirthed when the cap was still 80 :/Crystal Saga:
Server: Aquatic Crypts
Name: (S15)Sidoh
Class: Knight
Plane: Eidolon
Level: 100
Server:Server: S87 Key Grove and S58 Drays Keep
Name: [S87]Kenshin/[S58]SweetnSour
Class: Swordman/Elementalist
Level: 5x/6x
Ah soul....miss BC right now. Could use those puris right now ;-;There will be no tomorrow should we fail to use the lessons of the past to survive today.
Crystal SagaIGN: Codawg
Server: Celestial Haven
Guild: BrimStone
Class: Beastmaster
Random Stats: Weak. I'm weak, ok?
Wife: PinkPretty (she's not nice)
Level: Somewhere between noob and legend v-v
It happens in both sengs (L1 and L2). And trust me I know quitting altogether isn't the way to go about it but it's more then just what they get away with. On my server there are 3-4 scions and a few scions from the server merge who are literally happy people about what they get away with.....taunting and talking in world chat at their victims, that's the part that pisses me off. I have realized that soul and wings need to be leveled and trust me I have been trying hard to better those but there is only so much I can do in a day....and hello? I do have a life. The scions on my server have basically become bored with the game and screw around with players because they are bored. It's not right.
Originally posted by Trinity11 View PostSo I'm officially done with this game. There have been complaints and more complaints in this game and nothing is being done about it....what am I talking about? Scions. They have ****** me off for the last time. I'm so sick of them getting away with respawn killing in seng and just being bullys to all low levels in the game. I don't know about other servers but in mine (Void Encampment), it's just ridiculous. Barely anyone plays seng anymore and when you dto hese scions do nothing but spawn kill you over and over and over and over again. I'm a knight and have put soo much time and effort into my character that moving to another server is just not an option for me. I have all gold savage gear and need to move up one more honor rank until I can get purple. This is my time to save up all the silver medals I can get....but it's impossible. I have enough for one gear and have had the same amount of silvers for over a month now because the mean scions play 24-7 and do every event and pull the same **** everytime. Then when I go to speak up my mind in world chat about how unfair it is, I'm the one that gets mouthed off at? Just because you are able to be an ******* in this game doesn't mean you should continue to be one. The scions try to justify the bullying and killing and spawn killing they do because there is nothing in this game that prevents them from doing so. It's messed up. I do not have fun anymore in this game despite all my effort to try to level and get stronger. As long as the scions have free reign to be bullys I will not play this game anymore. Bye