hello i looked at everything the dev has upgrades... but never touch the Holy Favor... i made an idea of the added 5 level to holy favor to be able to reach lv20... so we can continue to use item we get in void and differents events to raise it,,, really simple
lv16 add a 8000 pts
lv17 add 10000 pts
lv18 add 15000 pts
lv19 add 20000 pts
lv20 add 25000 pts
here's the map i've done to help the design... might be ugly but best i can do with paint
lv16 add a 8000 pts
lv17 add 10000 pts
lv18 add 15000 pts
lv19 add 20000 pts
lv20 add 25000 pts
here's the map i've done to help the design... might be ugly but best i can do with paint