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game interface...

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  • game interface...

    please make the change of shards easier for player... what if we got 1000 of phantom shards we need to click many times for only 200 pcs of purgatory shards?!? why not make it when we click exchange we input the number we want to exchange so itll make the lives of your players less stressful... same with getting a shining coupons make it easier just to input how many we want... sump it up guys its hand breaking exchanges causing players too much pain in the hand...

    what i want is you dont have to synth... for example you got 20 shining ruby and you want to exchange it to coupons you just need to click gem coupon exchange then a new interface will appear where you can put the number of shining rubies you want to become a coupon and when you press ok you will get the number of coupons youve exchanged... same with the gem exchange to be bounded like when you have 108 shining coupons and you want to exchange it all to be shining rubies (bound) you just need to click once the change to shining rubies then input 108 and holla youve got 108 shining rubies (bound) so you wont have to click too much cause sometimes players click the wrong gems they want to exchange... get what i mean?!?... its for all of us so we wont have a hard time clicking too many times to get a immaculate gems ayt!...
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