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Crystal Saga Events - The Worldwide Divide.

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  • Crystal Saga Events - The Worldwide Divide.


    Just a quick one, as I'm sure someone else must have queried this before.

    The server is set to PST, which I accept, but my question is - why are all the events only tailored to times that suit people in the US?

    I am one of the many active and loyal players who live in Europe, specifically the UK, who suffer because many of the events (Crypt, Lucky Guess, SOTF, Sengolia, Hellstorm, Chambers of Fate, Crystal Quarry Battle, and many of the second runs for other events) are set at a time where I will be asleep.

    Admittedly I play through the kongregate portal so Obsidion_Fang is not my main, but I have been assured by others that do use both that it is much the same situation regardless of the portal you login from.

    It seems a simple thing to ask for, but my request is that a second time be added for these events so that the many faithful and devoted fans of this MMORPG that live outside of the US have a fair and equal opportunity to participate in these events as well.

    Kind regards


  • #2
    Because R2's contract with the original game owners says they have to tailor events to US people time.

    Same goes for all of the other partners.

    If you want a different time, try Saga of Hero (European version).

    There are other versions as well, with other server times, but they may not be in English
    LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

    LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



    • #3
      In which case wouldn't it be possible to add a second slot some time in US morning hours? This would meet R2's contract guidelines but also permit Euro based players an equal opportunity. Or is it likely that the contract would be changed when it is renewed to allow events to be tailored for all? If the second is the case I would like to know a rough timescale as to when this could be expected, if possible.

      I dont mean to press the point, and you'll have to excuse me for my fervour in this regard, but I joined this game on Kongregate in good faith of it being suitable and fair for all players regardless of where they are based, only now upon querying this do I find out that there are other versions more suitable for non US players. Should there not be warnings?

      And from this your only suggestion is that I abandon my friends, and the character I have toiled for many months and spent many hundreds of dollars to build, and to start again from scratch? Surely you must realise that this is unreasonable?

      I know from experience and conversations I've been a part of that not many people would attempt these events in the early stages of character development, knowing they'd be crushed by bosses or scions and eidolons alike, and therefore would dismiss these events until they deem themselves worthy to participate. I therefore must not be alone in this situation of having spent so much only to be granted so little in return.

      Humour me a little....would you accept this if you were in my situation and told the same thing?


      • #4
        From what I know. R2 is making a French and German CS. Otherwise I think Saga of Heroes owns the rest of Europe market. R2 would not be able to host & run servers in Euro time zone due to licensing agreement with the developers.


        • #5
          Ok, didnt answer any of my questions there, but is good to know that R2 have wised up to the situation as at least this gives scope for new euro based players to avoid my misfortune. I would therefore ask that instead my request for a morning event time slot for these events be put forward as a suggestion, to alleviate the situation for those less fortunate existing players.


          • #6
            Originally posted by sangofighter View Post
            From what I know. R2 is making a French and German CS. Otherwise I think Saga of Heroes owns the rest of Europe market. R2 would not be able to host & run servers in Euro time zone due to licensing agreement with the developers.
            French CS is French Canadian (basically US) time.
            LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

            LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



            • #7
              Originally posted by Obsidion_Fang View Post
              In which case wouldn't it be possible to add a second slot some time in US morning hours? This would meet R2's contract guidelines but also permit Euro based players an equal opportunity. Or is it likely that the contract would be changed when it is renewed to allow events to be tailored for all? If the second is the case I would like to know a rough timescale as to when this could be expected, if possible.

              I dont mean to press the point, and you'll have to excuse me for my fervour in this regard, but I joined this game on Kongregate in good faith of it being suitable and fair for all players regardless of where they are based, only now upon querying this do I find out that there are other versions more suitable for non US players. Should there not be warnings?

              And from this your only suggestion is that I abandon my friends, and the character I have toiled for many months and spent many hundreds of dollars to build, and to start again from scratch? Surely you must realise that this is unreasonable?

              I know from experience and conversations I've been a part of that not many people would attempt these events in the early stages of character development, knowing they'd be crushed by bosses or scions and eidolons alike, and therefore would dismiss these events until they deem themselves worthy to participate. I therefore must not be alone in this situation of having spent so much only to be granted so little in return.

              Humour me a little....would you accept this if you were in my situation and told the same thing?
              I don't know about how Kongregate advertises its servers, but here it's pretty obvious that the servers are either in EST or PST (US time). Had I been in your situation, I wouldn't have joined a game situated in that time without being ok with missing out on events.

              Anyway, you can try filing a ticket but honestly having events at morning times has been suggested many times to no avail.

              Personally I always found it strange that we can have GRB at 9am, and delivery and avernal at 1-2pm, at a time where the target US audience would most likely be either at work or at school, but somehow we can't have an 8am crypt or a 7am treasure trove - I wouldn't mind getting some treasures while eating breakfast and I live in my server time (EST). All they'd have to do is make it so you can only attend one - like they do for avernal.

              And both Chamber of Fate and Lucky Guess are at great after school times, but are inconvenient times for people who have typically 9-5 or 8-4 jobs (the people who actually make money they would be more likely to spend on this game rather than schoolkids). So I personally feel like those events are at bad times even for their targe audience. I'm "lucky" that I'm working at home right now or else neither me nor my husband, who as I mentioned before live in server time, would be able to make such events.
              LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

              LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



              • #8
                Most likely, from what I have been led to believe, they are allowed to schedule certain events once per day. And since the servers are in time zones for the US they are going to set the times for the events at a time that is reasonable and acceptable for the people that actually live in the time zone they play in. Honestly, I live on the East coast and I play on a West server. I did not know when I joined that it was a West server, it had only just opened and I clicked that little play now button, then it said "newest server" and I clicked on it. I later realized that I was in a PvP West server. Some events are super late at night for me and as I work, and have children are inconvenient. I still get to do them sometimes though, and I do not complain about it.

                I do think that it would be beneficial for all involved if there was more leeway on the times. But say, if they are only allowed to hold one crypt event per day (for example) per their contract because it is a one time per day event, then they are going to tailor that event so that most people in that time zone (West in the case of my server) would be able to participate as their contract only allows them to hold events in US times. So yeah, I have been led to believe from the vague answers that are usually given by Mods and GMs that this is the case.

                Do I think it is entirely fair? Not really. I mean R2 has big cashers that do not live in the US. I would think that if it was in their control to accommodate these cashers they would do so. But since it is not forthcoming I am pretty sure that R2 has some limitations in the matter.


                • #9
                  From all the years of playing MMOs, all I know is most MMO servers almost always start on PST, Eastern tend to an addition in the future. I always think its cause most MMO companies tend to be from the West Coast. Even it took a while for Maplestory to have East Coast servers. And like I said before, R2 probably owns the North American rights to Crystal Saga and not in the other zones like Europe, China, SEA, Australia <-- sometimes part of NA market too. I know this doesn't make sense cause someone is running the Facebook CS.

