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Need a gold sink (passed over due)

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  • Need a gold sink (passed over due)

    Yeah that is just the thing, we need a gold sink, and "A GOOD ONE."

    We "do not" need any 1/2 assed attempts at gold sinks. 1/2 assed being you exchange 5 mut and 3g for 1 gmut, (5 Times daily). That there completely defeats the purpose of a gold sink since the amount of gold pulled is savagely limited, it has zero effect. We really could use a Gmut exchange event. You all released new mounts, but have not once done a single thing to even bother helping us obtain them. If anything we should be ready for for a gmut exchange to be permanent. Lots of other stuff was made permanent like Guessing Game. Adding it into the synthis on the inventory panel should be super easy.

    The top gold person on the first (3 merged) servers, has over 260P. That is an insane amount of gold to have so everyone can see it. That causes inflation of items and then people won't buy them. I seen items double and some triple in value over the last month.
    Pure crys are now 2g each. They used to be 1g, but due to all the gold hoarding and nuttin to spend it, it's value has only went up. Yes you can obtain lots from hollows, but it don't matter anymore cause of all the gold in circulation.
    Major Enchantment crystals are almost 9g when they used to be 3g. That there has tripled. Most people can now obtain them from hollows but still, you can't ignore the inflation. Some of it is partly due to the new enchant level of +15, but that is real old news and people don't even attempt it due to the near 100% fail rates.

    We really need something in game, people will be willing to spend coin on. No more of these failure events that tricks people once or twice, and then winds up being useless.

    Honestly, I do think some permanent (good) gold sinks would work well.
    If you have like an exchange but make them permanent and limited it, you can still achieve desired effects, just not instantly
    -5 mut, 3g for 1 gmuts, 5/10 times a day.
    -5 Hwings, 1g for 1Ewing, 5/10 times a day.
    -Soul crystal VI x10, Soul crystal V x10, Soul Crystal IV x10, 5 gold for 1 Pixie Upgrade Crystal, 3 Times a day

    Since soul crystals are obtained from disenchanting items, making them useful in turn it self will slow down the money made from vending items since the biggest income is made from vended equipment at gold quality and less. The only items not vended are purple (with the exception of pet gear) cause of soul roots used to make soul shards. Maybe putting soul roots into gold and blue colored items could also slow the gold made from vending. It won't stop it but would slow it down some. People make alts to just farm soul roots from bath anyway, so this won't put more then needed into circulation anyway.

    But anyway, we need a gold sink, and a good one. You all have decided to skip this week's maintenance, so you are now required to have something good come next week.

    Let out your rage on level 30 trading ---^

  • #2
    Soul crystal will start be cannibalized when they relase mount (and maybe pixie too) food for synthesis. Also if we get the pet attibute enchanting system (the disabled pet orbs).


    • #3
      someone in my server has 431P in the second newest server


      • #4
        I guess r2 realized their booboo when they introduced unlimited gmut exchage long ago. In their want of a gold sink, they underestimated the pbase and then their fix to it was to limit the number of exchanges. They should have released an unlimited gmut exchange with an upped gold cost. For example say something in the lines of 5muts + 20g or something. This will take care of the alts since it's not limited and even if you had 100 plat, you'd only be able to exchange 500 gmuts.


        • #5
          Originally posted by DrewC View Post
          I guess r2 realized their booboo when they introduced unlimited gmut exchage long ago. In their want of a gold sink, they underestimated the pbase and then their fix to it was to limit the number of exchanges. They should have released an unlimited gmut exchange with an upped gold cost. For example say something in the lines of 5muts + 20g or something. This will take care of the alts since it's not limited and even if you had 100 plat, you'd only be able to exchange 500 gmuts.
          That doesn't really work considering during that time and even now especially new servers would never accumulate that much platinum. You're disadvantaging the newer servers.


          • #6
            It works if what we are after is a gold sink. If the newer servers don't have much plat accumulated then there is no need for a gold sink on that particular server. The exchange cost can always be tweaked and can always be adjusted accordingly. The difficulty, of course, is how to strike a balance but that is r2s job


            • #7
              They did that by converting top 8 players' gold(10%) in each server into crystals every friday on 1 CS version that i know of. Sounds awesome in my opinion, but it'll never happen here.


              • #8
                this is the reason why there will be no more unlimited gmut event, ppl have too much money and if there is an unlimited event gmut wud flood the servers for weeks, prices wud drop and alot of ppl will be riding around on hellwings,gilded battle stallion and kilin . It wud be unfair to give older servers a higher cost of exchange than newer servers since there is always new players no matter how old the server is so they wud be cheated out. The only thing i see is making the gold exchange a small % out of ur gold and also make them bound. The % wud keep high gold persons limited to the mass amount they wud buy and the bound wud make it impossible to use the alt system to cheat the % system.
                Name: (S1)GeoStigma
                Class: Hybrid Mage
                Honor: Emperor
                Plane: Eidolon
                Level: Unknown
                Guild: Noypi

                Waiting for you and waiting your love...
                But you never came to me
                And I am still waiting until my death...
                But you hate me...
                So I shall kill you..
                And make you suffer...

                Kill me..
                Kiss me..
                Bury me..
                Just look at me....


                • #9
                  Originally posted by GeoStig View Post
                  this is the reason why there will be no more unlimited gmut event, ppl have too much money and if there is an unlimited event gmut wud flood the servers for weeks, prices wud drop and alot of ppl will be riding around on hellwings,gilded battle stallion and kilin . It wud be unfair to give older servers a higher cost of exchange than newer servers since there is always new players no matter how old the server is so they wud be cheated out. The only thing i see is making the gold exchange a small % out of ur gold and also make them bound. The % wud keep high gold persons limited to the mass amount they wud buy and the bound wud make it impossible to use the alt system to cheat the % system.
                  Doesn't work, you would just have to pass your gold to an other char to avoid that % cost


                  • #10
                    Yeah kinda hard to strike that balance. I did like that event where you could upgrade gems with a chance of getting double. I forgot what that was. Ended up spending money but got ahead with a lot of flawles gems. Would be great to do that now with the new gems


                    • #11
                      One thing the gold sink needs to work, is "the people want to" spend the gold on it. A gold sink is totally useless if people do not spend the coin. Like the chamber of fate turning into a total fail event. An attempt at a gold sink but ended in total failure since it's only for OP players. And OP players don't even spend money let alone make any cause they done have everything.

                      Let out your rage on level 30 trading ---^


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by R2288716 View Post
                        One thing the gold sink needs to work, is "the people want to" spend the gold on it. A gold sink is totally useless if people do not spend the coin. Like the chamber of fate turning into a total fail event. An attempt at a gold sink but ended in total failure since it's only for OP players. And OP players don't even spend money let alone make any cause they done have everything.
                        CoF is actually quite good, I heard the exp gain in there is kinda sweet as well (levelcapped my self so don't know howmuch exactly), and you can make gold from it or some few items to sell. Usually the 20g you invest to do it you earn back (if not, the next day probably will. Just need that gold buff room once)
                        Crystal Saga:
                        IGN: speeds
                        Server: Windshear Peaks
                        Lv 120 [Eidolon] Nature Ranger - Emperor
                        Proud owner of the Lv 120 [Eidolon] Holy priest alt, double-parked outside
                        Officially the #1 Nature Ranger of Windshear Peaks & six merged servers

                        Wartune (semi-inactive):
                        IGN: Speeds16
                        Server: Temple of Ibalize
                        Lv45 Archer - Guild Luminaire


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by sebastian1988 View Post
                          Doesn't work, you would just have to pass your gold to an other char to avoid that % cost
                          Hence the bound system wud come in play

                          And hey the chambers is gud i get mroe exp. in there than i wud get in 3 runs of TG(since tg doesn't give me any exp.)
                          Name: (S1)GeoStigma
                          Class: Hybrid Mage
                          Honor: Emperor
                          Plane: Eidolon
                          Level: Unknown
                          Guild: Noypi

                          Waiting for you and waiting your love...
                          But you never came to me
                          And I am still waiting until my death...
                          But you hate me...
                          So I shall kill you..
                          And make you suffer...

                          Kill me..
                          Kiss me..
                          Bury me..
                          Just look at me....


                          • #14
                            There is no reason for there to NOT be a mut to gmut transfer or a hw to ew trandfer as a permanent option. If R2 was worried about it being heavily abused, just make it something like 50:1 or 100:1. Stupid muts are dropped in every dungeon and are completely worthless. What is the point of having muts drop in a level 85 dungeon? There is none.

