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GMUT and EW as dungeon drop

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  • GMUT and EW as dungeon drop

    Most people (including cash player) are really unhappy about the last maintenance. So I'll try to give some constructive feedback to the recent changes. (Also see:

    What happened?

    Mount Extravaganza Rewards are now bound.
    GMUT Exchange is now permanent - bound, 2 attempts per day.

    Why is this an issue for non cash player?

    2 bound GMUT a day doesn't sound bad, right? Well, making the GMUT Exchange a permanent addition to the game also means that there will never ever be the old GMUT Exchange again. Everyone who started playing this game a year ago had the opportunity to participate in quite a few unlimited and unbound exchanges. Seeing how all new servers are slowly getting merged with the old servers (guess why we have to merge that many servers into 1..) means that all the new players are put on a great disadvantage.

    These are the events that give GMUT:

    List of GMUT obtainable by CHANCE

    - Guessing Game (1 per day)
    - Survival of the Fittest (5 per day if you win)
    - Rebirth Quest (max 6 per day)
    - Chambers of Fate (I usually get 0-1 GMUT per day)
    - Treasure Trove (absolutely random, just like chambers of fate)
    - Hellstorm (1 per day, if you win - at least I recall that there is 1 gmut in the pack, might be wrong)

    Note: The underlined events aren't balanced. Strong players usually win those rewards, while the people who really need them to improve don't win them.

    List of GMUT obtainable (not by chance)

    - General Krahn, Badge Exchange, 1 GMUT / day
    - Cash Shop

    Knowing that there will be no more unbound exchange, and that the extravaganza rewards are bound too, will cause people to simply stop selling the few unbound gmut that they farm or to sell them for ridiculous high prices. People used to sell gmut because they knew that there will always be a way to obtain huge amounts of gmuts. That is over now.

    Why is this an issue for cash player?

    I can only talk about myself. (Some people will disagree because they play this game for an other reason than me, I do like competition) I have literally beat the game. I can solo all dungeons, I can reach ladder floor 75, I participated in all events over the last year.
    I have nothing left to do than waiting for the new players to catch up, upgrading my toon and to always get my hope up for some new content.

    Now, upgrading my toon is literally impossible for me, because the items that I need lack supply. I can't work on my wings, because I need over 1 stack of EW per upgrade, I can't upgrade my mount, because everything is bound now. There are events that give out the items that I need, but the amount is simply way too low to get an upgrade in a reasonable time.

    Sure, I can always decide to cash my way up, but that will just get me even further away to have an actual challenge, and to enjoy the game.
    Not like I need the stats. Still, the only thing left to do.

    Seeing how all the strong players quit on my server, because they got frustrated (can't advance anymore) and bored, and the newer players quit because they can't catch up, is pretty frustrating. Taking away the GMUT supply really is a hit in the face of everyone.


    The weaker players won't get their mounts in a reasonable time anymore, they are more likely to quit before even getting a gorilla titan, strong player who are just waiting for competition will get bored.

    Solution A - GMUT/EW as dungeon drop

    GMUT and EW are the 2 items that are in high demand. Divine Wings are released now, Kilin is released now, everyone wants to get there in a reasonable time.
    The purgatory dungeon is a really hard dungeon, which most people can't solo, but it doesn't offer any good drop after you got your offhand and enough purgatory shards for your gear. After that, it's a dead dungeon that no one even bothers doing anymore.

    If R2 considers to add GMUT and EW as a possible drop in that dungeon (whatever droprate, doesn't matter), then people have something to look forward to, they will be able to advance again. They will have something to do. The supply increases again and everyone knows that they will be able to farm the items they need someday - even when it doesn't sound that nice to lower levels, but they don't really need to ride a hellwing yet, they still have focus on leveling up.

    Everyone below level 110, who wants to get their mounts/wings early, can cash them, like they would do now. Start to be rewarding to people who spent that much time in your game.

    If this is not allowed due to their contract, then kindly tell us, and we will never ever talk about this idea again

    Solution B - Increase the exchange limit

    Increasing the exchange rate to 5 gmut a day, will allow players to have a shot on their gorilla titan once a week. They will still need forever to get to their hellwings and above, but it will cut down the time by several years. Some people even suggested a higher limit than only 5, which is actually not a bad idea.

    The people on newer servers have way too few mount token to exchange that many gmut a day, the people on older servers really need the mounts to catch up.
    Last edited by sebastian1988; 02-22-2013, 11:01 AM.

  • #2
    +1 .............. [ignore dots lol]
    They told me that to make you fall in love with me, I had to make you laugh...
    But everytime you laugh, I'm the one who falls in love...


    • #3


      • #4
        The later you come to the game the more you have to cash. The events are all I look forward to.


        • #5
          Supporting either solutions. Our servers still has quite some big time cashers and they're so bored with the game that the only thing remaining to do is flaming/harassing people. Doing either solutions on this thread will give more reason to play the actual game again, be able to upgrade your mount and compete with the other players.
          I have my Kilin already so I'm not in it for myself, all I wish to see is everyone get their shot at the same accomplishments without having to spend another 2 years of daily gaming.
          Crystal Saga:
          IGN: speeds
          Server: Windshear Peaks
          Lv 120 [Eidolon] Nature Ranger - Emperor
          Proud owner of the Lv 120 [Eidolon] Holy priest alt, double-parked outside
          Officially the #1 Nature Ranger of Windshear Peaks & six merged servers

          Wartune (semi-inactive):
          IGN: Speeds16
          Server: Temple of Ibalize
          Lv45 Archer - Guild Luminaire


          • #6
            I support this idea.

            I appreciate the fact that R2 would like people to purchase GMUTs from their shop. However, the price tag of $500-$800 on a single upgrade to a mount is unrealistic for almost the entire player-base.

            Because GMUTs were more plentiful in the past, it is unfair to newer players to make them less plentiful now. Please add GMUTs as a dungeon drop to help rectify this issue.


            • #7
              Support both.

              But in addition to the second:

              1) Make it unlimited exchange, like the shinning coupons. This way, people with VIPs can still get more benefit since they can farm muts more than non VIP.

              2) Since alters can trade muts (o.o lol) for more exchange, you can increase the gold needed to 45 muts + 5g. Good way to drain more gold away from the game.

              3) Leave em bound. Bound is good.

              just copy/paste from the other thread.


              • #8
                I support this idea (as I should, seeing as I've made a thread about EW for dungeon drops before and have yet to change my mind) and I feel the same way about gmuts.

                The idea itself of having a permanent bound exchange wasn't that bad, but 2 a day is a little low. 5 is just such a nicer number. I get that they don't want unlimited because then people with strong alts can just farm muts and trade to the main, but 2 is just so...low.

                It's really the BB reward being changed to bound that blew the fuse. For low players, that was a valuable source of income (as mentioned, lowbies don't really need to get better mounts when they should be focusing on leveling,but those gmuts could get them enough gold to buy HW and other stuff they need!). Higher players, who are lucky enough to attend the events, can get quite a few gmuts, but there are plenty that can't go to trove or world boss (For rebirth quest) - even if they can, competition can get fierce. The beauty of the mount extravaganza was that it didn't matter what your time zone was: if your alt was ready, you could get gmuts.

                Increasing the limit and/or adding gmuts/ews as a drop in dungeons will make this far more balanced and allow new players to not feel like they can never get there, and midplayers (like me) to feel less pressure about being able to attend crowded, competitive events.
                LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

                LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



                • #9
                  I agree with this, it's nice to read an organized post with the problem and a possible solution. Either way the current set up isn't going to work. If the exchange rate were a bit higher or unlimited or the extravaganza rewards were reverted back to unbound then it would be way more balanced again between cashers and non-cashers. You're idea for dungeon drops would be great too, then I'd actually feel like running them again. +10mil to the original post
                  Kong server 5
                  Apocalypse guild
                  Ranger Eidolon lvl 150
                  Infinite Prestige title & BoL broken as a non-casher. Fused pure gen 1 kilin
                  Gen 3 Morphed Swordovan (Excalibur), Gen 4 Guardian Angel, Demon King, Cupid, Bunny etc...


                  • #10
                    This was the thread I had made regarding EW as dungeon drops back when people were whining about divine wings being out while so many still had trouble with angel lord. Many complaint threads were created but few suggestion thread,so I had created one. Of course, while people are very vocal in complaint threads, they usually tend to ignore the suggestion threads that are actually likely to get attention:

                    It also contained what I thought would be an appropriate drop rate. I'm sure a similar drop rate could work for gmuts too.

                    For those who don't feel like clicking:
                    "Drop rate:
                    Exelorn NM: 100% for killing Pride. Just 1.
                    Purgatory Hard: one of the bosses (don't care which) is guaranteed to drop 1.
                    Purgatory Nightmare: one of the easier bosses is guaranteed to drop 1, and the terrifyingly strong judge will drop 1-3."
                    LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

                    LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



                    • #11
                      You guys need to understand R2 made the gmuts bound so that the code abusers wouldnt be able to claim sellable/tradable gmuts with their level 30 alts. Yes...bypassing the lvl requirement for battle bear rewards, though it seemed to not solve the problem as they are still able to access expired events.


                      • #12
                        "You guys need to understand R2 made the gmuts bound so that the code abusers wouldnt be able to claim sellable/tradable gmuts with their level 30 alts."

                        There are a myriad of other solutions that could have been implemented to solve "abuse" by a few players that would only affect those few players and not everybody else that plays Crystal Saga.


                        • #13
                          Like Squintina states as a low level I sold gmuts and ews to get things I needed to get stronger to be able to level and do dungeons. I do not like the bound gmuts at all it puts a limit on me helping my partner. But with these solutions I can help in other ways. We havent even rebirthed for the first time yet our goal was to both have gt before we did and with things as they stand now rebirthing wont happen for a long time. So please either make the gmuts unbound again or take the suggestions in this post (which I like a lot), either way something needs to be done the way it is now doesn't work.


                          • #14
                            Agree 100%


                            • #15
                              I would be 100% okay with either of these suggestions! The first especially because, come on, Purgatory is a useless dungeon unless you can run nightmare. And the way that nightmare is set up, is that it makes it almost impossible for most people to run it. I know I completely bypass that dungeon everyday. It doesn't drop PCs very much, there is only so many pet gears you can gather before you get tired of it, and I mix and match my gear so getting a full purgatory set has no meaning to me. It's not like I have a large stock of ESD on hand to make the orange gear which would make making it worthwhile.

                              And I like the second because it gives an opportunity to all players, rather than restrict the power to only those who can do 110+ dungeons. I mean, we can't complain that they benefit from this, because we benefited from the UNLIMITED events that we had that they will never see.

                              Come on, R2, you have a chance to fix this. Why waste this opportunity?

