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Threads shouldn't need support

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  • Threads shouldn't need support

    It's really disheartening when you hear that a thread needs to have support to be forwarded to a GM. If a suggestion is good on its own merits, it should be forwarded just for that.

    Why? Because it's hard to get support on anything these days! It really seems like most players either don't come to the forum or come only to read patch notes and make complaint threads - without looking around to see if other threads exist suggesting ways to fix up the problem they're complaining about!

    Example 1: Gmuts. People cried about the very recent gmut changes. They wrote about it for pages and pages on end in the gmut and patch notes threads.
    Yet, this suggestion for gmuts (and ews) only has 3 pages...Even though it's a good suggestion

    And someone tried to bring back up an old suggestion, created at a previous time when people were complaining about gmuts too, I believe, regarding being able to exchange items for points that could then be redeemed for better items. The numbers might need some working out, but it's a good suggestion and the person had the right timing to bring it back up. But did it get much support? Nope.

    Example 2: Divine wings
    When they were announced, people were very upset that cashers could get stronger while noncashers were still stuck where they were without any kind of hope. They complained and complained and I remember Memorylane suggested we make a suggestion thread, instead of a complaint thread. Did those complaining people make one? Nope. Instead, I made a thread about ways to incorporate more EWs in the game, and I even mentioned the thread I created in one of the active complaining threads. Did it get any support? Nope.

    Example 3: Vault Space
    People keep asking for page 3 of vault, they complain about it all the time still. Now we already know that's not gonna happen until the chinese version gets it (and even then we'll have to wait as our version of the game is further behind). Yet, someone made a suggestion about being able to exchange stacks for new stackable items. So 100 ESO would become 1 ESOP. 250 bronze badges would become 1 bronze badge pack and those packs would be stackable to 250. That means one slot in the vault could take up to 250*250=62,500 bronze badges! Talk about a space saver.

    People suck. So many of them complain and complain without bothering to look at the suggestions section and supporting ways to fix the problem, so let's drop this idea that a thread needs support. I've even tried telling my own server to go support threads, either during or after a complaint spree in world chat. You'd think that'd get their attention and get them to post, but they just don't bother - even if they agree after explaining what the suggestion is! If a thread has a good suggestion, it should be forwarded to a GM just for being a good suggestion.
    LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

    LVL 55 eidolon ice mage


  • #2


    • #3
      Definitely. I think a lot of people are just jaded about the way r2 has been threating the suggestions anyway.
      IGN: Sigrun
      Server: Windshear Peaks
      [Eidolon]lvl 120 Hybrid Mage
      [Eidolon]lvl 120 Hybrid Priest alt: Saeunn
      Proud owner of an [Eidolon]lvl 120 husband, parallel parked outside

      Wartune Temple of Ibalize
      Mage lvl 38


      • #4
        i did support vault pages :-)

        i did support threads but ew and points
        Last edited by elsage; 02-24-2013, 10:55 AM. Reason: y bother
        They told me that to make you fall in love with me, I had to make you laugh...
        But everytime you laugh, I'm the one who falls in love...


        • #5
          I'm the cookie monster of forums >_> I've seen and supported (I believe) many of these suggestions. It seems like if the idea was good enough, it would merit warrant to be forwarded with only minimal support from the player base. As far as getting people to support it, I've seen many players in game be completely clueless as to the existence of the forums. Unfortunately, seems all we can do anymore is grimace and suffer through it. :/
          There will be no tomorrow should we fail to use the lessons of the past to survive today.

          Crystal Saga
          IGN: Codawg
          Server: Celestial Haven
          Guild: BrimStone
          Class: Beastmaster
          Random Stats: Weak. I'm weak, ok?
          Wife: PinkPretty (she's not nice )
          Level: Somewhere between noob and legend v-v


          • #6
            There's also the fact that the player base is dwindling. Back when everything was farmable, and you could make progress, players were more inclined to keep playing and stick around, rather than be stuck at the plateau of "gt/gryph/hellwing, angel lord wings + 1, maybe, and 4th pixie." I remember GM Amanda saying once that they wanted all aspects of their game to be accessible to everyone, even if they didn't cash, it would just take longer. Longer must be a relative term cuz aside from soul, I'm more or less at the same place I was last year at this time...but that's off topic.

            Back on topic, it's hard to get support from a dwindling player base. How much support is needed to get it forwarded to a gm, considering numbers are down? Trying to give us a condition that can't be met? Not trying to troll with that question, but if you want 7 pages of support for a thread to get it forwarded to a gm, I doubt the player base that would even consider going to the forums at this point is high enough to warrant that kind of response.
            Last edited by kylina; 02-24-2013, 03:35 PM.
            The one and only Krysia from Sea of dreams (Thank god for that; one of me is too many!)


            • #7
              Originally posted by kylina View Post
              There's also the fact that the player base is dwindling. Back when everything was farmable, and you could make progress, players were more inclined to keep playing and stick around, rather than be stuck at the plateau of "gt/gryph/hellwing, angel lord wings + 1, maybe, and 4th pixie." I remember GM Amanda saying once that they wanted all aspects of their game to be accessible to everyone, even if they didn't cash, it would just take longer. Longer must be a relative term cuz aside from soul, I'm more or less at the same place I was last year at this time...but that's off topic.

              Back on topic, it's hard to get support from a dwindling player base. How much support is needed to get it forwarded to a gm, considering numbers are down? Trying to give us a condition that can't be met? Not trying to troll with that question, but if you want 7 pages of support for a thread to get it forwarded to a gm, I doubt the player base that would even consider going to the forums at this point is high enough to warrant that kind of response.
              Doesn't really help when you add a game called Broken Realms thats "suppose" to be a continuation of CS. Which typically means something, like we're kinda giving up on this game and u should move to BR and re-cash from the start.


              • #8
                Too many different threads are being made to get a proper overview on the suggestion. Most of the players don't use the forums that thoroughly, only after maintenance replying to the update-threads (both have over 19 pages now). The community gets asked to make suggestions that are constructive, we make them. Majority of players keep going on in the Update-threads instead of switching to the constructive event-threads. I think this thread is a nice overview of the thusfar constructive threads. Again supporting the ideas btw.
                Crystal Saga:
                IGN: speeds
                Server: Windshear Peaks
                Lv 120 [Eidolon] Nature Ranger - Emperor
                Proud owner of the Lv 120 [Eidolon] Holy priest alt, double-parked outside
                Officially the #1 Nature Ranger of Windshear Peaks & six merged servers

                Wartune (semi-inactive):
                IGN: Speeds16
                Server: Temple of Ibalize
                Lv45 Archer - Guild Luminaire


                • #9
                  That Is Why people Need to join my thread if u boycott paying for r2games stuff and they lose money they will be forced to implement major changes cause it effects there Pockets lol figure out stuff guys fight for your game fight for changes


                  • #10
                    Guess you need lots of support for this thread, so that other threads won't need that much support anymore :P


                    • #11
                      Should just merge every thread into one, you'd get roughly 50 to 60 pages instantly. They can't ignore that >.>
                      Needing a single thread to get all the support is impossible due to so many people making new threads with the asked-for constructive suggestions, and proper ones have been made, or sticking to the news&events threads (majority for last one)
                      Crystal Saga:
                      IGN: speeds
                      Server: Windshear Peaks
                      Lv 120 [Eidolon] Nature Ranger - Emperor
                      Proud owner of the Lv 120 [Eidolon] Holy priest alt, double-parked outside
                      Officially the #1 Nature Ranger of Windshear Peaks & six merged servers

                      Wartune (semi-inactive):
                      IGN: Speeds16
                      Server: Temple of Ibalize
                      Lv45 Archer - Guild Luminaire


                      • #12
                        I am actually surprised that the Developers, or GMs, do not have a person designated to review the forums and forward any feasible ideas along to the rest of the staff. But then again, this game isn't run like any other MMORPG I have put serious time into before.

                        I think one big issue is that all of us who come to the Suggestions Forum have a bit too high of expectations of the game's developers. It's pretty clear to me, after playing this game for four months, that it was not intended to be a serious game that would be maintained for posterity. The population is a small core of dedicated players, surrounded by a lot of temporary players who come for a while, are entertained a bit, cash more than is warranted for a small game, and move on to the next game.

                        But I don't think we should give up on trying to get our ideas to the Developers. As mentioned above, there are many threads on similar topics throughout the forums. Were they collected into one thread, the support would be large. Although the forum moderators apparently can only forward threads with large support, perhaps they could sticky the top three largest ideas at any time, and forward one along whenever it received enough support.

                        That may help get a lot more responses to particular suggestions that end up getting buried in newer posts and eventually replaced by a new thread.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by (S14)Squintina View Post
                          Example 3: Vault Space
                          People keep asking for page 3 of vault, they complain about it all the time still. Now we already know that's not gonna happen until the chinese version gets it (and even then we'll have to wait as our version of the game is further behind). Yet, someone made a suggestion about being able to exchange stacks for new stackable items. So 100 ESO would become 1 ESOP. 250 bronze badges would become 1 bronze badge pack and those packs would be stackable to 250. That means one slot in the vault could take up to 250*250=62,500 bronze badges! Talk about a space saver.
                          I'm not really sure what's the deal with spaces, but Crystal Legacy seems to be able to modify as they like, Could any of the mods explain this ? ask one of the GMs perhaps ? Is Crystal Legacy an illegal version of crystal games that doesn't follow the original or Saga of Heroes ?

                          Please by all means, explain this.

                          Along with Vault 2.5.

                          Still not implemented in SoH Chinese Version btw...

                          need support blabla and so on, but who actually decides what's to be implemented and what can't be implemented ?

                          I just checked SoH Chinese version, they seem to have tons of update (which is scary because those updates are like 100-300 k usd worth of upgrades too). I'm really considering my stay here, it seems that either I move to CL or I just have to quit this game (not playing in any version).
                          Last edited by Botolminum; 02-27-2013, 02:32 AM.


                          • #14
                            Yeah, i've noticed CL has leeway on experimenting on more vaults & storage bag page. They also run a chinese CL on that site too, but have regular 2 page vault & 6 page bag.


                            • #15
                              Like i said in another post, all the other versions fix bugs and take suggestions and implement them, r2 is the only ones who are supposably isnt allowed to update things unless chinese version says.

