Oh no, mobs have stolen the Leprechaun's Pot of Gold. Go and kill the elite mobs (lvl30+) and return the Gold coins for a reward. Talk to the Event Master to start the quest.(Limit 5x per day)
In exchange for 10 gold coins, received.
Get a random item of:
2x Gmuts
2x Soul Prints
2x Dragon Crystal
2x Pet Pearls
2x Etheral Wings
5x Silver Badges
1x Gold Badge
3x Soul Shard
Oh no, mobs decided to do the "Harlem Shake" at the Leprechauns' house and stolen and destroyed his goods. Go and kill the elite mobs (lvl30+) and return the shredded small treasure pieces (10x) and received a small treasure in return. (Limit 3 per day)
In exchange for 10 gold coins, received.
Get a random item of:
2x Gmuts
2x Soul Prints
2x Dragon Crystal
2x Pet Pearls
2x Etheral Wings
5x Silver Badges
1x Gold Badge
3x Soul Shard
Oh no, mobs decided to do the "Harlem Shake" at the Leprechauns' house and stolen and destroyed his goods. Go and kill the elite mobs (lvl30+) and return the shredded small treasure pieces (10x) and received a small treasure in return. (Limit 3 per day)