If "Yes" = then why do events focuses only on those time available for a specific timezone. Why don't you make the event more balance and and more timely spread such as making events on (basing on a 24hr/day divided by 3 = 8hr gap time) 0400h(ST) 1200h(ST) and 2000pm(ST) or what ever time u want. The way your event works don't require GM's to facilitate it so y would i be focuses on the later half of the day. Also event is done once or twice that's a very good way of stopping abuses to game.
If "No" = then let it be what u like. And your very very stupid claiming to be No. 1 best web browsing game in d world.
This game is d best game i played so far talking about web browsing games. just that we(Filipino) cant play fully to our hearts content.
(Filipino timezone)(by the way a normal filipino wud wake up 6am our time and sleep 10pm)
Reasons for example. If ur a student yur playing time would only be on daily basis AKA 2100H(ST)-0000(ST also server reset)-0600h(9am-6pm our time). how can we join sengola/GR or what ever events. Y would u wake up starting (0100h - 0600h our time) just to join seng dlevries GR etc. Also for events that requires us to play 0800H(ST) or 8pm on our time our parents would kill us if we are still playing not studying; in daylight they can't monitor us if we skip class or not hahahaha so we play. and if we do join those said event our body cant keep up with our normal daily lives. (except for weekends).
If ur a working/salary man wud u go to work tired/deprived from sleep coz cant farm medals etc and being called noob/weak even if u cash out cant play on events. then y wud we bother cashing out if we cant actually join some really fun events.
i know not all pinoys can keep up with yur time zone but majority cant.
Pls reconsider.. i think all server are populated with pinoys. Tnx
If "No" = then let it be what u like. And your very very stupid claiming to be No. 1 best web browsing game in d world.
This game is d best game i played so far talking about web browsing games. just that we(Filipino) cant play fully to our hearts content.
(Filipino timezone)(by the way a normal filipino wud wake up 6am our time and sleep 10pm)
Reasons for example. If ur a student yur playing time would only be on daily basis AKA 2100H(ST)-0000(ST also server reset)-0600h(9am-6pm our time). how can we join sengola/GR or what ever events. Y would u wake up starting (0100h - 0600h our time) just to join seng dlevries GR etc. Also for events that requires us to play 0800H(ST) or 8pm on our time our parents would kill us if we are still playing not studying; in daylight they can't monitor us if we skip class or not hahahaha so we play. and if we do join those said event our body cant keep up with our normal daily lives. (except for weekends).
If ur a working/salary man wud u go to work tired/deprived from sleep coz cant farm medals etc and being called noob/weak even if u cash out cant play on events. then y wud we bother cashing out if we cant actually join some really fun events.
i know not all pinoys can keep up with yur time zone but majority cant.
Pls reconsider.. i think all server are populated with pinoys. Tnx