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why why why.......

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  • why why why.......

    why GM u hve to mess up with the flying high event??? Before this flying high event was a very good event that happen in cs when u gve soul pack as the reward...although it is temporary event it worthawhile......but now it is permanet, why u need to gve hwings as reward instead of gving more useful things like soulshard that are not easily get?? hwings can be farm in it will be good if u can change the reward to somethg tht can help built character more efficiently...not to upset ur choice in choosing the reward 4 the event just make it somethg more worthy as a reward will make upgrading wings more attractive to be accomplish by player...thts all hope ucan consider this...thanks

  • #2
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    • #3
      Do not worry as we will still be releasing new events that may reward soul shards that you love so much. Watch out as maintenance is coming.

