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Guild Contribution suggestion?

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  • Guild Contribution suggestion?

    Hi, I was wondering if there'd be any way to incorporate a means to see how much total contribution guild members have put into
    the guild instead of what their current contribution is at. It'd be a great way to see where people are sitting and offer commodities for achieving milestones in their total contribution points
    Deathicator ~ Level 65 Scion Knight

    Guildmaster of â€*Templarâ€*
    Honor: Elector (Ranked #1 on Server)

    If you give a noob a mat, you feed him for a day; If you teach a noob to farm, you feed him for a lifetime

  • #2
    if you mean how much guild contribution a member has in total then it already says, if you go to the guild menu by clicking the icon at the bottom of your screen or pressing "g" at the top left it will say "guild information" in this you will see lots of helpful information, where it says "Guild: xxx Total xxx" this is how much contribution you have currently and how much you have made in total.

    for example, for me it says "guild: 327 (being my current contribution) total: 6315 (being the amount ive made in the guild in total)

    as for seeing other peoples Total Contribution, that is impossible and would prob be a good suggestion if this is what you are saying.


    • #3
      Ya that's what I'm saying, how much everyone has individually put into the total guild contribution. I want to reward guildies for helping improve the guild and this would really make everything a whole lot easier, not to mention a fine way to weed out some of the more 'less productive' members to make room for more
      Deathicator ~ Level 65 Scion Knight

      Guildmaster of â€*Templarâ€*
      Honor: Elector (Ranked #1 on Server)

      If you give a noob a mat, you feed him for a day; If you teach a noob to farm, you feed him for a lifetime


      • #4
        I´ve noticed that if you left a guild and join and new one, the total guild contribution points doesn't reset, and shows u the points that u've made in all guilds that u've been.

