The mages from heavenly Isle were right!
Each day a town is invaded by undead and random monsters .
you will be able to complete a escort quest-taking the shop NPC's to safety &quests from NPC's to set up battlements
-if complete the escort and save the goods you are given a chance to select from various things-like how tamalan skills are, or things for their guild.etcetcetc, or a shell scroll with gift card for a imbued item -exchange to class of ur type an receive imbued skill , like a trap that shoots out flame explosions or black holes then meteor too if upgraded enough. or heals that do epic aoe damage or gives other class combinations depending on which items are traded to complete the scroll
there will also be various class specific quests which are orientated around doing something to support defending the town and assaulting the invaders and prepping the battlefield, i.e building towers traps, etc etc, curse locations. if you assist with preparations- any kills that are taken by the field traps ect you helped with-your guild will gain points for
you can also choose to go to the location an talk to the teleporter to be transported to the battlefield for that location, if enough of the class specific quests are done everyone will receive boosts to stats and attacks(everyone prepared the battlefield by prepping traps explosives battlefronts etc etc etc) .
upon entering the field level based mobs will spawn in waves like TG. gain points for mob+boss kills in partys and solo and guild kills. select from a assortment of prizes or choose to upgrade the special "war time " skill you selected from saving the shop NPC. so we get personal awards, awards for working together, and points for working as a guild to improve each of those aspects an promote each. since it'll spawn slightly more mobs then the person can handle or a boss but still level based, everyone will be more inclined to party up and assist each other in taking down the foes
if a town isn't defended good enough after a period of time- it is lost to the enemy for the duration of the event, they complete a dark ritual an summon reinforcements to hold the town until its won back by defeating enough generals and destroying some crystals holding a portal open to their realm. if the npc's die too many times while escorting them you lose ability to buy from them for the event.
so in effect. the more people that join- the bigger the battle gets. then if we lose, we have a chance to gain it back and incentive through various means to do so
battles will last 1-2 hrs at varying times per day
event will last the week
might take a lot of work tho being 7 maps and 5-10 quest chains, and unique items and skills that are upgradeable for each class which can be combined with any class-could say limit that to only two diff classes then ur own can be combined with items or skills.& a complex point system and battle preparations.
if you have any suggestions on which high level skills you would like to see be able to be combined with another class or two's skill please list it here.
make it so the skills can't be used outside of the event zone or in other events. less it takes off- then possibly allow people to pay crystal or a chunk of gold to give the special skill a few uses -possibly x5 or for a week every renewal? except of course in actual avernal event regardless to avoid pt abuse since the skills will have epic effects.
maybe host it every month-3 month? so people don't complain they never got a chance to get or use the skills or missed it, or that cashers will only get the best cause its a one time thing.
can be like, get 1 skill scroll of each type. since they will be combined skills, they can stack with the original versions as well since different buffs.
offensive skill scroll
defensive skill scroll
support skill scroll
buff skill scroll
my opinion on some of the skills which should be considered for this
mage offensive: fire wave &thunderstorm blizzard at first levels, then flame explosion imp blizzard black hole and meteor
mage defensive: icicle armor
mage buff: frost shield , deep freeze
mage support: mana breeze
priest offensive, :imp light beam &blood pact or blood beam at first levels to master versions
priest defensive: enhanced circulation guardians protection or demons grasp
priest support: start with healing wave and grace then angels blessing&COH,
priest buff: COP up to heavenly protection
Rogue offensive : assassins thrust &reversal
Rogue defensive: vegabonds swiftness &slayers sprint
Rogue support: slayers toughness
Rogue buff: reversal
ranger offensive: strong shot
ranger defensive: traps
ranger support: quick heal etc
would be a few examples.
character A(mage) finishes escort an gets a scroll for their class +gift item for another. trade other class that item then go to the NPC to fuse the items or imbue them w the power of the class you traded you select out of the list of options. player B(priest) does same thing an gets a synergistic skill as well. priest chose mage offensive skill, mage chose regen buff, or vice vs.
so when priest uses the offensive skill it does : imp blizzard +demons grasp. trade a mage a gift card again an level it up to get meteor or blackhole or flame explosion added to it.
mix and match to w/e. scrolls are near instant use but have at least a 30sec -1 min cd.
some end sets looking like
"scroll A: fused with mage frost shield and icicle armor and rogue reversal= dmg reduc 20% pdef boost and chance to root/stun mobs 5%proc upon being attacked+increases damage dealt 20% for 10 min
scroll B:ranger Trap with grace and demons grasp =trap exerts healing wave every 5 sec for friendly's and stuns+roots all mobs near
scroll C: vegabonds swiftness and slayers sprint +enhanced circulation= dodge and crit and HP increased by 50%
scroll D: assassins thrust improved blood pact meteor= ignores 100% defenses atk increased by 100%+4000+6% of current hp blood drain per sec 1% max 1k per target/sec targets dazed for up to 4 seconds "
if cross combining the diff type like offensive defensive healing etc isn't possible cause they are diff brand of atks. then still do them to combined version of just the type they(offensive defensive or buff) are to one scroll of that type.
for some of the skills could just change it to "recieve exo buff" from battle camp NPC _talk to various NPC o receive diff buff, since those are sorta the same as exo buffs an there will be in some cases exo bosses that respawn when killed. over and over. and over. and over.
rewards for achievements during "wartime" and kills can be up for debate and or determination by everyone for surviving a endurance challenge
revive in town sends to main battlefront in event field where you can buy potions etc etc etc. kill certain # of mobs and ladder merchants will appear with more selections in the camp. then choose to enter the field like tamalans set up. wont take credit for the idea as its a blender of a bunch of other suggestions an previous events that were never shown much love.
Each day a town is invaded by undead and random monsters .
you will be able to complete a escort quest-taking the shop NPC's to safety &quests from NPC's to set up battlements
there will also be various class specific quests which are orientated around doing something to support defending the town and assaulting the invaders and prepping the battlefield, i.e building towers traps, etc etc, curse locations. if you assist with preparations- any kills that are taken by the field traps ect you helped with-your guild will gain points for
you can also choose to go to the location an talk to the teleporter to be transported to the battlefield for that location, if enough of the class specific quests are done everyone will receive boosts to stats and attacks(everyone prepared the battlefield by prepping traps explosives battlefronts etc etc etc) .
upon entering the field level based mobs will spawn in waves like TG. gain points for mob+boss kills in partys and solo and guild kills. select from a assortment of prizes or choose to upgrade the special "war time " skill you selected from saving the shop NPC. so we get personal awards, awards for working together, and points for working as a guild to improve each of those aspects an promote each. since it'll spawn slightly more mobs then the person can handle or a boss but still level based, everyone will be more inclined to party up and assist each other in taking down the foes
if a town isn't defended good enough after a period of time- it is lost to the enemy for the duration of the event, they complete a dark ritual an summon reinforcements to hold the town until its won back by defeating enough generals and destroying some crystals holding a portal open to their realm. if the npc's die too many times while escorting them you lose ability to buy from them for the event.
so in effect. the more people that join- the bigger the battle gets. then if we lose, we have a chance to gain it back and incentive through various means to do so
battles will last 1-2 hrs at varying times per day
event will last the week
might take a lot of work tho being 7 maps and 5-10 quest chains, and unique items and skills that are upgradeable for each class which can be combined with any class-could say limit that to only two diff classes then ur own can be combined with items or skills.& a complex point system and battle preparations.
if you have any suggestions on which high level skills you would like to see be able to be combined with another class or two's skill please list it here.
make it so the skills can't be used outside of the event zone or in other events. less it takes off- then possibly allow people to pay crystal or a chunk of gold to give the special skill a few uses -possibly x5 or for a week every renewal? except of course in actual avernal event regardless to avoid pt abuse since the skills will have epic effects.
maybe host it every month-3 month? so people don't complain they never got a chance to get or use the skills or missed it, or that cashers will only get the best cause its a one time thing.
can be like, get 1 skill scroll of each type. since they will be combined skills, they can stack with the original versions as well since different buffs.
offensive skill scroll
defensive skill scroll
support skill scroll
buff skill scroll
my opinion on some of the skills which should be considered for this
mage offensive: fire wave &thunderstorm blizzard at first levels, then flame explosion imp blizzard black hole and meteor
mage defensive: icicle armor
mage buff: frost shield , deep freeze
mage support: mana breeze
priest offensive, :imp light beam &blood pact or blood beam at first levels to master versions
priest defensive: enhanced circulation guardians protection or demons grasp
priest support: start with healing wave and grace then angels blessing&COH,
priest buff: COP up to heavenly protection
Rogue offensive : assassins thrust &reversal
Rogue defensive: vegabonds swiftness &slayers sprint
Rogue support: slayers toughness
Rogue buff: reversal
ranger offensive: strong shot
ranger defensive: traps
ranger support: quick heal etc
would be a few examples.
character A(mage) finishes escort an gets a scroll for their class +gift item for another. trade other class that item then go to the NPC to fuse the items or imbue them w the power of the class you traded you select out of the list of options. player B(priest) does same thing an gets a synergistic skill as well. priest chose mage offensive skill, mage chose regen buff, or vice vs.
so when priest uses the offensive skill it does : imp blizzard +demons grasp. trade a mage a gift card again an level it up to get meteor or blackhole or flame explosion added to it.
mix and match to w/e. scrolls are near instant use but have at least a 30sec -1 min cd.
some end sets looking like
"scroll A: fused with mage frost shield and icicle armor and rogue reversal= dmg reduc 20% pdef boost and chance to root/stun mobs 5%proc upon being attacked+increases damage dealt 20% for 10 min
scroll B:ranger Trap with grace and demons grasp =trap exerts healing wave every 5 sec for friendly's and stuns+roots all mobs near
scroll C: vegabonds swiftness and slayers sprint +enhanced circulation= dodge and crit and HP increased by 50%
scroll D: assassins thrust improved blood pact meteor= ignores 100% defenses atk increased by 100%+4000+6% of current hp blood drain per sec 1% max 1k per target/sec targets dazed for up to 4 seconds "
if cross combining the diff type like offensive defensive healing etc isn't possible cause they are diff brand of atks. then still do them to combined version of just the type they(offensive defensive or buff) are to one scroll of that type.
for some of the skills could just change it to "recieve exo buff" from battle camp NPC _talk to various NPC o receive diff buff, since those are sorta the same as exo buffs an there will be in some cases exo bosses that respawn when killed. over and over. and over. and over.
rewards for achievements during "wartime" and kills can be up for debate and or determination by everyone for surviving a endurance challenge
revive in town sends to main battlefront in event field where you can buy potions etc etc etc. kill certain # of mobs and ladder merchants will appear with more selections in the camp. then choose to enter the field like tamalans set up. wont take credit for the idea as its a blender of a bunch of other suggestions an previous events that were never shown much love.