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Class Change Scroll

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Shaoren View Post
    Avernal is obvious unfair for priest to do DPS.
    imbalance? it already imbalance!

    Tamalan I still can get 3 gold badge on my knight everyday if i want to do it.
    once the skills upgrade it will do a lot dmg than the priest regen.
    Alright. Let me rephrase that, then.
    In order to prevent further imbalance of the game, I will object to this idea.
    The King doesn't fall so easily boys


    • #17
      If they could switch the items by class then getting ARC wouldn't be that bad, if it was the only thing needed. Yes cashers would get it easier but everyone could benefit & it would be nice to try other classes than just the hardass "rogue" for me. xD
      Lil by lil my signature will become better.

      Ign: Sai
      Level: 130
      Class: Rogue
      Plane: Eidolon
      Honor: Emperor
      Server: (S31)TreeOfLife
      Guild: Rebels
      Pet: DemonKing


      • #18
        I oppose the suggestion to change classes, but not for any sort of imbalance reasons. It's hard to create an imbalance from switching classes. The changed character is not going to be any stronger than the old one, since it's started out at lvl 1, just like it was rebirthed. But, since it is started back at level 1 and has to work through all those levels just to get back up to something useful, the character will have fallen behind other non-changed characters in terms of soul, gear, and other upgrades. In a sense, a character that has changed classes will be overall weaker than everyone else due to having spent less time on character development.

        If a character class is implemented, the gear won't be changed over to the new class as that would be quite impossible. They can't change the gender of outfits after a sex change capsule has been used, so they aren't going to manually change the class of equipment for everyone, and it would have to be manually done. All that equipment would be worthless. One would pretty much be starting out at lvl 1 and having to re-farm everything. Seems so much easier to just make a new character for the desired class and use the old character to feed it with.
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        • #19
          im agree to have class change scroll and also change name scroll
          Last edited by wapong123; 07-29-2012, 03:00 PM.


          • #20
            id like to see a way to change class personally, even if its overpriced (100-200$+) wouldnt care if i had to replace all my gear as long as i kept my soul development, wings, insignia, and the plane i was on. ive spent a ton of money trying to make my priest better and to just drop all the progress and restart with a new character, having to get firelord, burning angel, wings, mounts, soul. would be nice if i could pay to switch without starting from scratch again.


            • #21
              Lots of people picked priest thinking that they would be a good class, and once u realize 90% of there skills are useless you wanna change classes. And since r2 wont fix the skills this is a good idea.


              • #22
                Originally posted by ShadowGammaDraco View Post
                "You must not change one thing, one pebble, one grain of sand, until you know what good and evil will follow on that act. The world is in balance, in Equilibrium. A wizard's power of Changing and Summoning can shake the balance of the world. It is dangerous, that power. It is most perilous. It must follow knowledge, and serve need. To light a candle is to cast a shadow."

                looking at this suggestion, although it sounds like a nifty idea. it in fact could end up making people waste their soul until they hit lv 100 again to spend the money yet again to switch back to a diff class. because Priest > knight. they invested into a lot of healing nodes an knight isn't really a spell caster/healer. be easier to make a new char an keep your high level an power fuel the new chars upgrades w ur lv 100. then you get best of both worlds. that's what i'm doin. playin a rogue priest an mage back to back
                Not everyone has the time like you probably have to level 3 toons back to back and increase their souls, get armors, BA, DK, wings, insignia... we got jobs, real life to worry about not the game 24/7. AND no its not easier to make a new lvl 1 character and level him up if you got a lvl 100 eidolon, you will have to spend alot of time to get a new made level 1 toon up to level 100 eidolon, count for yourself thats grinding/questing for 280 levels! that would take you a few months to get there wich most of the players dont have and might not want to wait, its easier just to get the new armors after the change, because it wont even take half as long, maybe 1 month instead of 3-4 and soul to a bit of adjistment but if anyone would change the class would change to the most beneficial to the soul they have like a priest into a mage or a range that scroll will allow it not just into a knight as you put it above, cos if you change into a knight well obvious (doh) your heal soul would be useless, btw you dont think people would think about that stuff if they decide to change their class? because it wont be just a random decision!

                Originally posted by KuniOni View Post
                id like to see a way to change class personally, even if its overpriced (100-200$+) wouldnt care if i had to replace all my gear as long as i kept my soul development, wings, insignia, and the plane i was on. ive spent a ton of money trying to make my priest better and to just drop all the progress and restart with a new character, having to get firelord, burning angel, wings, mounts, soul. would be nice if i could pay to switch without starting from scratch again.
                i agree with you, altough i didnt spend alot of money in making my priest.. but 100-200$ stil is way ti over priced for a scroll like that.. normally oter games would have let you do that(change the class) when you rebirthed.. i mean when you go complete the quest you got a list of the class you want to change to chose from, but that are some other games not this one and im not comparing, this game has its own "unique" system

                Originally posted by BrotherVT View Post
                All my factors were out of personal experience in the game.
                So, when you have some opinions, feel free to post it.
                ok my opinion... i see no harm in adding this item to the game, there will be no imbalance but there will be 1 thing, every priest most likely will change into rogue or ranger or mage cos thats the ones beneficial to the soul except for rogues but the soul can be tweeked wasy enough then to start from scratch and main toon priests will become "extinct", alts will remain alts for BUFFS and HEAL in ladder and thats it for the priest class, for the imbalance in game there will be none created by this, the only thing i see this scroll from beeing added is the thought of most of the people... why should we make a class change scroll, if you picked a class you stay with it... that way of thinking, or something similar to it. Im a priest been working on him for almost 1 year soul is 900 and every other toon with 500 soul and with slightly less stats then i do kill me to easy cos they just stun silence and 1-2 hit you while youre in stun or silence ofc(priest not included in this example), i dont see any other class that will probably use this scroll but priests, BUT maybe some otherclasses would change into knights because that is the most op end game class(and in most of the older servers about everyone is a high lvl or lvl 100 eidolon)... this scroll if you think would be abused, just make it usable for level 100 eidolons it wont be easy/fast getting there, but in general this scroll would allow "older" players on the server to change their class because it didnt quite work out for them when they chose their curent class when they started the game, they didnt know about the bugs/imbalance of that toon wich is only the priest from what i've seen.. other classes just have to rely on skill, priest class just have to rely on their visa card and skills ofc...

                And about my reply to this thread, i like the idea, its a well thoguht one and the requirements the owner of this thread put are there not to make this abusive, but if you need lvl 100 and you get sent to lvl 1 i dont see anyone doing this to often because it does take time to lvl back to max lvl, i dont see why anyone in their right minds would dislike this idea((and not thinking about themselfs only for example he got a main rogue or knight then if this scroll is added he wont be able to kill as easy as before cos the other classes just got stronger by changing his class)) .
                Oh and i did ses someone suggested that there should be added armor conversion but i dont suport that idea even tough it would be great but armor can be made again way easier then actually making a new toon and getting it to lvl 100 eidolon, but a frag weapon conversion might be helpfull since that is alot more harder to make speaking about the dragon crystals used... or just not convert it but make an option to an npc that would give us a good amount of dragon crystals in exchange for our frag weapon. but thats just a suggestion, only the class change would be enough, we would stil have our soul, wings, mount, insignia.

                P.S. Sorry for the extra large reply... wanted to get my thoughts in here ^_^... this scroll will prevent some people(me included) from leaving game but anyway, ill cya later not really playing anymore, unless you count loging in exchange for soul crystal and do ladder and loging out playing.... thank you for reading sorry i made it this long.
                Last edited by dizy07; 10-08-2012, 02:05 AM. Reason: added something


                • #23
                  Either implement this or fix the priest skills..

                  Bare fact: "Currently in Crystal Saga the decline of Priest Characters has been building up over the months with players leaving the game due to game inbalances and overall function of the Priest Skills especially regarding the Blood Skill Tree."

                  But yeah if this ever gets implemented PvP set & Fragarach conversion would be pretty must haves.
                  Last edited by venomeh; 10-08-2012, 01:05 PM.
                  Stalkers OP.

                  Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


                  • #24
                    Just a Thought Instead of a Class Scroll why not Give people a Extra Chr slot and then they can buy that slot or what ever and make a alt of what ever they like then there is no imbalance cause your no affecting the toon cause there remaining seperate


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Squeakymm View Post
                      Just a Thought Instead of a Class Scroll why not Give people a Extra Chr slot and then they can buy that slot or what ever and make a alt of what ever they like then there is no imbalance cause your no affecting the toon cause there remaining seperate
                      There's already 3 character slots per account.
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                      • #26
                        ummm how do you activate them i log in and dont get antoher chr slot just my one toon


                        • #27
                          I would vote for this suggestion, who cares if my soul nodes are more equipped to be a mage, the idea of switching to a different class excites me
                          the only downside i could see coming from this would be that it would probably cost like 5000-10000 crystal for one of these scrolls
                          S40guntherkillu- Mage- Eidolon LEVEL 140
                          GUILD- Candyshop
                          HONOR- Emperor SOUL- 1177/3000


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Squeakymm View Post
                            ummm how do you activate them i log in and dont get antoher chr slot just my one toon
                            When you log in and are at the character select screen, there is a "Create " button on there.

                            Server: Amethyst Forest
                            Class:Eidolon Hybrid Priest
                            Guild: Sanctuary
                            Name: Miroku
                            Husband: Codawg

