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Fix seng

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  • Fix seng

    i think R2 should make seng a little more fun by giving the towers and crystal more health its no fun anymore when people are ending in like 3 seconds because they feel like it i mean this is like the only fun thing now that everything is unbalanced i say give the thing way more health then it had before or something to make it more interesting. because i miss the old days when you had to team up to finish seng and it took the whole hour to do it
    give more hp
    do nothing
    atleast do somthing to make it more fun

    IGN: prNu
    BR: 4.4M+
    Class: 80 Corsair
    Server: 48

  • #2
    unnlimiteed instances which open everytime prev instance ends or full
    They told me that to make you fall in love with me, I had to make you laugh...
    But everytime you laugh, I'm the one who falls in love...


    • #3
      more health would just cause new frag to do more damage. some other change to make it more thrilling would be nice that wouldn't effect a new server in bad ways would be immensely appreciated


      • #4
        Let me add my 2 cents in here of what you can do.

        1. Buff the towers and crystals health to the point where it would last more then 30 min at the minimum.
        2. Negate the affect of perfect frags passives/frost in seng this would not only make it last longer but prevent the crystal from dieing fast
        3. Add a wait time if you cant negate the affect of perfect frag make it 10 minuets that you can not attack the towers or crystal (this could lead to spawn camping so time to #4)
        4. Add some kind of wall at the spawn to prevent people from spawn camping or give the people a buff that are behind the guy the lets you leave seng that makes you invincible to all damage until you go pass him (I dont know how many times in my seng I cant get out of spawn cause theirs 4~5 people that just 2~3 shot anyone that come out)
        5. Buff mortals and scions to make it more even, I dont mean the normal buff that you get in seng I mean buff them 3~4x that to make it more fair for the lower lv people.

        If you could implement at least 3 of the 5 their then sengolia would last much longer then it is now and would not only give me a chance to earn some silver badges but would let the lower lv players who have it rougher to give them a chance as well. Also as a suggestion how about giving us a badge exchange event im not talking exchange badges to certain prize I mean exchange a certain # of badges to a different badges cause I dont know if you noticed but silver badges seem to be more valuable then gold honer badges!
        Char: BlackKnight(lvl 140 Eidolon Knight), Jellah(7x priest) Gimina(lv 5x mortal rogue)
        Server: Glacial Planes.
        Guild: Mortal Elites (Sage)

        For in depth knight guide click the link below

        "Let failure be your guide for in failure you learn how to play"


        • #5
          I still like the idea of towers having a 5-10 minute invincibility buff and having a mod/gm to kill spawn campers.
          LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

          LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



          • #6
            Originally posted by ShadowGammaDraco View Post
            more health would just cause new frag to do more damage. some other change to make it more thrilling would be nice that wouldn't effect a new server in bad ways would be immensely appreciated
            more health would be like Bane from Avernal-like. goes down quick at the start, but since the HP-drain of new frag is based on [current hp] it goes down very slowly at the end. But this means that newer servers will never be able to win a sengolia anymore: ties everywhere.
            10min immunity for crystal, spawnzone being fully safezone. In-game gm's won't happen, we don't even have forums with GM-posts anymore. And make it so everyone does the same damage to the crystal like event boss' had. Equality between all classes and no more rushers.
            Crystal Saga:
            IGN: speeds
            Server: Windshear Peaks
            Lv 120 [Eidolon] Nature Ranger - Emperor
            Proud owner of the Lv 120 [Eidolon] Holy priest alt, double-parked outside
            Officially the #1 Nature Ranger of Windshear Peaks & six merged servers

            Wartune (semi-inactive):
            IGN: Speeds16
            Server: Temple of Ibalize
            Lv45 Archer - Guild Luminaire


            • #7
              implement on Seng that its based upon your plane. Like mortals vs mortals. Scion vs Scion. and so on as well as make it lvl orientated. like lvls 35-45 can be in the same seng and so on. like every 10-20 levels in each instance ya it would make it have more sengs but its still a good idea to do that that way its fair for some of the lower people and makes it harder for the spawn killers


              • #8
                something really needs to be done about camping, like speeds said or make it where they lose honor based on the amount they get from the person they kill within the spawn zone, i bet that would make people stop.
                Crystal Saga:
                IGN: (S57)Suzemebatchi
                Server: Eternal Sanctum
                Class: Rogue
                Plane: Eidolon
                Level: 150
                Spouse: (J7)Rhaiine01
                Wings: Demon Lord +4
                Weapon: Prefect Frag IX +9
                Mount: Gilded Battle Stallion, Alicorn, Flying Carpet, White Griffin, Angelfire Dragon
                Pixie : Celestial
                Nobility: Emperor
                Guild: (S2)Dragonspine
                Pets: Teeka Gen 3 +9, Fire Lord, Ultrasaurus Rex, Gobbler, Dark reaper +13, Werewolf Overlord +12, Pet Bunny, Panda Adult, Super Angel/Demon.


                • #9
                  add shield buff for towers and crystal , like ladder lvl 43 and 57, but they dead fast still


                  • #10
                    please delete this post
                    Last edited by dorjab; 03-26-2013, 12:53 AM.


                    • #11
                      There are two things I can think of that would be simple, as well as effective.

                      1: Towers/Crystal take damage at a flat rate, like snowmen bosses
                      2: Crystal is immune to all forms of damage until the towers are destroyed.

                      I'm going to do some hypothetical math to approximate what needs to be done with this system in order to make a high lvl game last 30 minutes.

                      - each tower should last 5 minutes assuming 5 people with 150% attack speed are always on it (5/30 isn't an unreasonable number to expect imo)
                      - the crystal should last 10 minutes assuming 5 people with 150% attack are always on it.
                      - defenders should mitigate 50% of incoming attacks (really I'd say it's 25% - 75%, but I'll just say 50% for the sake of brevity)

                      ((5 people)(5 minutes)(60 seconds)) / 1.5 attacks per second = 1000 hits to destroy a tower / 50% defence mitigation = 500 hits to destroy a tower
                      ((5 people)(10 minutes)(60 seconds)) / 1.5 attacks per second = 2000 hits to destroy the crystal/ 50% defence mitigation = 1000 hits to destroy a tower

                      These numbers will fluctuate based on other variable such as varying attack speeds, Rogues, and amount of effective defenders but the majority of it should stay relatively constant assuming I've introduced the proper base variables.

                      This is also by no means a perfect solution (or even a good one), and I'm open to any constructive criticism.
                      Server: (S4)Wilterlands
                      Class: Rogue
                      Level: 120
                      Plane: Eidolon
                      Rank: Emperor



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by dorjab View Post
                        please delete this post
                        why would i delete it its getting people who play the games ideas about a event the frag has made things OP and ending things quicky if somthing could be done in seng it would make it more fun

                        IGN: prNu
                        BR: 4.4M+
                        Class: 80 Corsair
                        Server: 48


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Doragontenma View Post
                          There are two things I can think of that would be simple, as well as effective.

                          1: Towers/Crystal take damage at a flat rate, like snowmen bosses
                          2: Crystal is immune to all forms of damage until the towers are destroyed.

                          I'm going to do some hypothetical math to approximate what needs to be done with this system in order to make a high lvl game last 30 minutes.

                          - each tower should last 5 minutes assuming 5 people with 150% attack speed are always on it (5/30 isn't an unreasonable number to expect imo)
                          - the crystal should last 10 minutes assuming 5 people with 150% attack are always on it.
                          - defenders should mitigate 50% of incoming attacks (really I'd say it's 25% - 75%, but I'll just say 50% for the sake of brevity)

                          ((5 people)(5 minutes)(60 seconds)) / 1.5 attacks per second = 1000 hits to destroy a tower / 50% defence mitigation = 500 hits to destroy a tower
                          ((5 people)(10 minutes)(60 seconds)) / 1.5 attacks per second = 2000 hits to destroy the crystal/ 50% defence mitigation = 1000 hits to destroy a tower

                          These numbers will fluctuate based on other variable such as varying attack speeds, Rogues, and amount of effective defenders but the majority of it should stay relatively constant assuming I've introduced the proper base variables.

                          This is also by no means a perfect solution (or even a good one), and I'm open to any constructive criticism.
                          Very explicit and clear suggestion, +1 on these. I'd say more to add but you've covered pretty much everything: harder to kill towers, snowmen-bos damage style, and even the battleground Guardians getting a boost. Only thing to add to them is an offense thing like "hits 3% of hp every attack" so people can't just keep whacking at it till they're all dead.
                          Crystal Saga:
                          IGN: speeds
                          Server: Windshear Peaks
                          Lv 120 [Eidolon] Nature Ranger - Emperor
                          Proud owner of the Lv 120 [Eidolon] Holy priest alt, double-parked outside
                          Officially the #1 Nature Ranger of Windshear Peaks & six merged servers

                          Wartune (semi-inactive):
                          IGN: Speeds16
                          Server: Temple of Ibalize
                          Lv45 Archer - Guild Luminaire


                          • #14
                            r2 wont do nothing they dont want us to enjoy seng.

