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Ancient Fruit Tree and Ladder Quest lvl 80 with Reward

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  • Ancient Fruit Tree and Ladder Quest lvl 80 with Reward

    You could thank me later but who knows. R2, you need to implement this and this.

  • #2
    wouldn't mind seeing the Ancient Trees & Mythical Fruits from original w R2's own flair added to it. been requested for more planting space many times. my server currently is like 9 in one, can imagine the havoc trying to plant already big clovers on 3 Ls. was rough first yr w just couple servers. maybe a special npc at tree of life or talk to the guy who exchanges SRC "Ranger Elder" to enter a farm area like Wartunes with access to the Ancient Fruit tree etc an a couple planting spots would make people extremely happy. *if possible alteration to future add-on because player necessity*. since increasing instances on Ls would just make a lot of empty instances that go un used on new servers etc
    ps. lol not sure if that links the original
    if find something interesting from um feel free to pm me about it or post asking for it without pictures or data
    Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 07-17-2013, 10:23 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by ShadowGammaDraco View Post
      if find something interesting from them feel free to pm me about it or post asking for it
      The recent update they had was they were adding 6th class, I'm not sure what is it, but the graphic looks like Monk or something, but the legendary equipment I saw in the game was like Crusader's gear or something. I think for most veterans this won't be any interest to them especially if r2games decided to add it much much later in the game, if they add it now, I think maybe there's still hope for some people to start new and try that class... I don't know, maybe they will save this for when the game is really really dying, but IMO, if the game is really dying, adding this class still won't bring up any hope at all...
      Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 07-17-2013, 10:23 PM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Botolminum View Post
        The recent update they had was they were adding 6th class, I'm not sure what is it, but the graphic looks like Monk or something, but the legendary equipment I saw in the game was like Crusader's gear or something. I think for most veterans this won't be any interest to them especially if r2games decided to add it much much later in the game, if they add it now, I think maybe there's still hope for some people to start new and try that class... I don't know, maybe they will save this for when the game is really really dying, but IMO, if the game is really dying, adding this class still won't bring up any hope at all...
        no pics plz. might not look the same if ever does find its way over.


        • #5
          We just got a load of new content, might wanna actually try playing the game before suggesting for more?
          Stalkers OP.

          Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


          • #6
            LOVE the mystical fruits and tree thingie *-* and not just for the movement speed fruits...
            ps: tried the new class on the original one, it seems to be a summoner class? It can summon animals to fight with you, my guesses are they stats are based on your toons. Also found a buff that lasts 30min, don't know exactly yet what it does cause I can't read it >> so in 30min we'll see what went down. **The buff is a defense buff like Guardian Protection, only less %-based and more stat-based. (12%+450 at lv4 when GP is 25%+50 at lv5)
            Upon level up all stats go up by one, in-game advised stat distribution is 1str/1agi/1endu, very balanced class.
            250 range attacks and also has elemental attacks (have a Starshaped aura underneath you and everyone within a range of 250 get's attacked by it for 108% +166 dmg), looks kinda cool D:
            Last edited by speeds16; 03-24-2013, 12:10 PM.
            Crystal Saga:
            IGN: speeds
            Server: Windshear Peaks
            Lv 120 [Eidolon] Nature Ranger - Emperor
            Proud owner of the Lv 120 [Eidolon] Holy priest alt, double-parked outside
            Officially the #1 Nature Ranger of Windshear Peaks & six merged servers

            Wartune (semi-inactive):
            IGN: Speeds16
            Server: Temple of Ibalize
            Lv45 Archer - Guild Luminaire


            • #7
              Originally posted by venomeh View Post
              We just got a load of new content, might wanna actually try playing the game before suggesting for more?
              lots of low level people struggle with advancing, i think it'd help everyone, cashers and non cashers. even at end stages, some are already nearing finished with new frag. or halfway there
              Originally posted by speeds16 View Post
              LOVE the mystical fruits and tree thingie *-* and not just for the movement speed fruits...
              ya would really help a lot of people. would possibly even see priests turn a massive frown into a huge smile. imagine being able to *fix* all the priest "nerfs" with just a few potions. would give cast speed etc etc etc, really well rounded system for advancement.


              • #8
                Originally posted by ShadowGammaDraco View Post
                lots of low level people struggle with advancing, i think it'd help everyone, cashers and non cashers. even at end stages, some are already nearing finished with new frag. or halfway there
                And after maxed Frag there still is Pixie, Wings, Gems, Mount fusing, what you gotta work on, imo those are enough for now..
                Stalkers OP.

                Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


                • #9
                  Originally posted by venomeh View Post
                  And after maxed Frag there still is Pixie, Wings, Gems, Mount fusing, what you gotta work on, imo those are enough for now..
                  some of those upgrades are rough on non cashers though. mount fusing can't really do unless casher. or know a good casher willing to sell cheap. EW cost a hefty amount in old servers. most ppl are done w gems in older servers. people like choices, not everyone has the exact same grinding / farming potential to work towards those other things.


                  • #10
                    We haven't begun in terms of content. Buts its nice to hear we can get a new class in here.
                    By the way CL made soul shards tradeable but thats another story.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by speeds16 View Post
                      LOVE the mystical fruits and tree thingie *-* and not just for the movement speed fruits...
                      ps: tried the new class on the original one, it seems to be a summoner class? It can summon animals to fight with you, my guesses are they stats are based on your toons. Also found a buff that lasts 30min, don't know exactly yet what it does cause I can't read it >> so in 30min we'll see what went down. **The buff is a defense buff like Guardian Protection, only less %-based and more stat-based. (12%+450 at lv4 when GP is 25%+50 at lv5)
                      Upon level up all stats go up by one, in-game advised stat distribution is 1str/1agi/1endu, very balanced class.
                      250 range attacks and also has elemental attacks (have a Starshaped aura underneath you and everyone within a range of 250 get's attacked by it for 108% +166 dmg), looks kinda cool D:
                      The beast master class is pretty awesome, I wish they would have added it when the game very first started. I kinda hope they never implement it on CS because I will be very tempted to start one. It would just take my focus off of my main lol.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Botolminum View Post
                        The recent update they had was they were adding 6th class, I'm not sure what is it, but the graphic looks like Monk or something, but the legendary equipment I saw in the game was like Crusader's gear or something. I think for most veterans this won't be any interest to them especially if r2games decided to add it much much later in the game, if they add it now, I think maybe there's still hope for some people to start new and try that class... I don't know, maybe they will save this for when the game is really really dying, but IMO, if the game is really dying, adding this class still won't bring up any hope at all...
                        its already dying... dunno what planet ur on, no offense lol

