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Pvp Suggestion

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  • Pvp Suggestion

    I think it would be nice if there were more seng and dragonspire events later in the day.

    Most of the time I get off work and I missed all the daily events so I just quest which is lame lol.

    Also I think it would be cool to see another Dragonspire event but a higher level cap for people who are above level 60.

    So 61-80 or some something.

    In time most of the people in my server will be above the current level cap for DS and wont be able to go unless they make a Alt.

    Just a few suggestions what do you guys think??

  • #2
    regarding on the dragonspine they should make a level requirements maybe 30-59, 60+ like that because its unfair to the lowbies trying their luck on that event they are usually spawn killed and ***** inside ^_^ nice suggestion btw
    Server: Sukemo Bluff
    Level:Eid lvl 14x

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    • #3
      even if they do change it you people are going to complain about something else in the future anyway
      Like anyone truly cares


      • #4
        Letting lvl 30s in there is pointless, and they wouldn't be able to compete with the lvl 40+s who worked on the Frag weapons that require being lvl 40 to equip. There's no reason for a lvl 61+ to be in Dragonspine, they don't need the dragon sword and there's other ways to get gold badges.

        Anyway, moving to the suggestions and feedback section.
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        • #5
          Does anyone else thing sengolia is lame? Being that i havnt reborn and im not lvl 70+ theres not alot i can do in there. There needs to be like a lvl 50 cap, reborn should have there own sengolia. Battles need to be smaller too so there isnt a **** ton of lag. i cant do anything also cause im clicking and 5 seconds later it finally clicks. Classes need to be balance much better too when it comes to pvp. Knights do way too much damage for the defence they have. There is nothing fair about it and due to the high priority of seng and other pvp events it has quite frankly ruined the game for me any one else feel the same?


          • #6
            Dragon Spine Battleground
            i think DS should have its level cap increased cause its true lvl 60+ don't need the dragon sword infect i say nobody needs the dragon sword since almost everyone is using a upgraded version of the frag weapon but almost every lvl 60 + will want to go for dragonspine is because of the gold honor badges since almost everyone wants purple savage/slayer and orange savage/slayer set also gold honor badges r very hard to farm and get also its true there r other ways to get gold honor badges like the day in vidalia which gives vidalian packs which have a small chance to get a gold honor badge but thats extremely difficult to get so the only other methods r avernal,tamalan,and survival which also give a major difficulty rate to get them and also it would be very helpful if they can split the battlegrounds by level and plane like lvl 40-50s mortal and lvl 60-80 mortals and another set for scions. but i so agree with memory on one thing letting lvl 30s into DS is totally stupid cause they r no match for lvl 40s
            Sengolia Battleground
            Having more sengolia will help alot of players with their pvp gear and insignia and also their daily exchange section
            also splitting sengolia into different level caps and planes will help it for the weak players and low level players since most scions and high level players who r lvl 100 scions tend to end sengolia in 5 to 10 mins that is no time to even retaliate they way it should be split is lvl 30 to lvl 50 in 1 and lvl 50+ to lvl 80 and lvl 80+to lvl 100 mortals and same for scions in another set or even if they r in same set it doesn't matter cause close level ranged scions r not much of a threat and can't end sengolia as fast as a major level scion
            i hope this idea is noted and implemented thank u
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            • #7
              I think it would be nicer if there were more crypt instead, seng is pointless, seng have so much complain, seng cons, while crypt all you have to do is teleporting up to lvl15, no one hurts another, crypt pros
              They told me that to make you fall in love with me, I had to make you laugh...
              But everytime you laugh, I'm the one who falls in love...


              • #8
                I think 1 Crypt a day is fine, or maybe have 2 crpyts a day but put a limit of one on it. Cause I do sometimes miss crpyt if I get off work late.

                About Seng being lame..... I play at Nebulan Ridge which is a Pvp server, we like to pvp and pk the hell out of each other when Gr,DS and Seng are closed.

                It was just a thought and yea I think there should be more Sengs a day unless R2, creates a new t type of pvp arena


                • #9
                  Dragonspine for 61-80 and 81-100 please

