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Same gender marriage should be allowed.

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  • Same gender marriage should be allowed.

    Crystal saga has a huge amount of people playing. I'm sure alot of these people know each other in real life, too.
    That brings me to my suggestion. Same gender marriage should be allowed. A few reasons-
    The gender change capsule is under the "love" tab in the fate shop. Why other reason would it be there other than to allow same gender marriages?
    - Some people wish to marry close friends or best friends, not necessarily of the opposite gender.
    - Some people wish to change genders but can't because of their current spouses. Most people are happy with the person they were choosing to marry, and would not like a divorce.
    - it states nowhere on the current version of the pill that you must be spouse less to use it.

    Here's my story -

    I purchased the Bunny set (male) AND a gender capsule, only to find out that I "can't has spouse". Not only is this stupid, but crystal saga should be a friendly game that welcome all types of people, and as I said some people are willing to pay just to marry their friends. Same gender marriage should definitely be allowed, especially since we have a gender change capsule.

    Please comment if you wish to support this topic.

    Thank you!
    The world is what you make of it

  • #2
    it already been bough up and cs said no 2 this suggestion because same sex marriage is wrong in regilions, which is stupid because not everyone on this game is regilious and you do have people who love each other and are the same sex, yet r2 doesnt want 2 allow same sex marriage


    • #3
      There is absolutely NO indication on the sex change pill that you cannot have a spouse to use it. ZERO.
      The world is what you make of it


      • #4
        Last time this came up, think it was GM Amanda who said that R2 supports same sex marriages, but the chinese version didn't, and trying to change the code to allow same sex mmarriages was proving to be incredibly troublesome, which is why it was never changed.
        The one and only Krysia from Sea of dreams (Thank god for that; one of me is too many!)


        • #5
          Originally posted by Whisper498 View Post
          it already been bough up and cs said no 2 this suggestion because same sex marriage is wrong in regilions, which is stupid because not everyone on this game is regilious and you do have people who love each other and are the same sex, yet r2 doesnt want 2 allow same sex marriage
          This is absolutely NOT true. Numerous times R2 has said that they have contacted the owners of the game rights, and are trying to work out a solution for this issue. They are supportive of the cause, but the Chinese version of the game does not have it so it is hard for them to get it, and still stay within their hosting rights. They have to get permission to do so. It is not nice to spread things around like R2 is not supportive for religious purposes. They do not care what one religion says. Never once have they said that they do not agree with same sex marriage.
          Server: (S39) Erie Marsh
          Character: Jessie
          Class: Priest
          Level: 106+
          Plane Eidolon
          Guild DarkCrusade

          “I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.”


          • #6
            They should at least cheap up the "Separation Decree."

            You're married, but the person quit Crystal Saga and now you wanna marry someone else. Sure, just divorce, it only costs you 20$. That's like a weeks allowance for kids.

            Or in this case, you want a sex change, and need 20$ to divorce.

            They should give at least 1 free divorce per character. So if they made a mistake, they can fix it.
            • Server: Emerald Ridge
            • Character: Dylan
            • Class: Elementalist
            • Vigor: Grandmaster Elementalist
            • Guild: Reborn

