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Special Ocassion giveways

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  • Special Ocassion giveways

    Hi! I have been playing games of R2 since 2012 and really enjoy them especially Crystal Saga.The new game Yeitien Chronicles that has just released made me fascinated at one point.During Beta Yeitien gives away free Ignots to all players which otherwise have to be cashed to afford shop items.As a really fun MMORPG Crystal Sagas drawback is that the price of items is too high in the Fate Shop and their scarcity within the game aggravates the total situation. Often people lose interest due to the cause and quit the game. EWs,SPs,DWs,are unimaginably scare in the game.Only cashers can go up while non cashers either quit the game or spam messages throughout the internet about how gold digging the game is.Believe me I've seen many of my online friends do so secretly.At this rate R2 is going to lose all its players within a certain time.So, this point should be noted by all the GMs out there that all players SHOULD BE GIVEN 5000 FREE CRYSTALS to spend during any very special event like Halloween,Christmas ,Easter Friday and so on.Except this all other things shall remain normal.Even remove the extra crystal giveaway on cashing.Its unnecessary.If players wont cash they need no extra crystals.But please follow this point of free crystal giveaway to players.I know that R2 has to make Business.However concentrating R2s monetary earning on the best game so far is just....makes us players angry. Seeing the cashers to only rule throughout the game is really not acceptable.All players have to be given chance whether R2 likes it or not. This money concentric attitude of R2 towards Crystal Saga only is an undeniable and unacceptable fact.If even necessary remove the time to time discounted give-aways but make sure that all players enjoy equal rights.Event like Treasure Trove and so on are totally useless . Players need thousands of EWs and GMUTs and even more SP.Such points are to be followed strictly for them to be equally contented as Cashers.Please make note of these points and propagate them in future GMs. That's all for now.