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Crypt hoggers solution

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  • Crypt hoggers solution

    Hello GM,at my server there are 2 players that r brothers and they hog crypt every day by telling each other the order in real life e.t.c always getting 1st and 2nd places.I suggest to make teleporters different for every player like for one player its left and for another its right e.t.c,because no one can get a good place,maybe if only your very lucky because those two get it almost always.Please think about my suggestion,im not the only one troubled about this.Thank you for your time.

    It also doesnt allow people to follow others so it makes everyone's chances of winning completely even
    Last edited by MemoryLane; 07-31-2012, 07:25 PM. Reason: merged posts

  • #2
    I agree. Although I can't do crypt because I'm not that high of a level, but I kinda hate seeing the same people win every day. Plus I see people on WC unhappy too.
    ~NatsuGirl (In Celestial Peaks)

    (Too bad I can't write a poem that's short enough to take this space up.)


    • #3
      Ikr,its like DS hogging just way worse cuz crypt gives A LOT of money if you sell the rewards,and they have a 90% chance of winning because they do it together in real life >.<


      • #4
        So.. you're saying people should be punished for clicking fast and guessing the right teleporter to go through?

        The people who always get first place will still always get first place. Making the teleporters random for everyone just hurts people who get lost along the way, since no one will be able to help them anymore.
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        • #5
          No memory,theyre not clicking fast and guessing,theyre doing it together in real life...they can talk to each other in real life and tell each other which teleporter is right and which is wrong,that makes their chances of winning very high,no one else can do that because they actually talk in real life not ingame chat which takes time to type

          1 enters left second enters right,they both failed - they know where to go,top.If its 1 person doing,left failed - then go right failed - then go top.takes more time right? So its unfair that they can do it together in real life since no one else can that makes them 90% winners all the time,you didnt understand the problem i think =/
          Last edited by MemoryLane; 07-31-2012, 08:48 PM. Reason: merged posts, please use Edit instead of double posting please


          • #6
            No, I do understand what you think the problem is. I've seen guilds do this as a group, without the real world communication. Only takes an instant for someone to say which portal was the right one. I also know people who use a teamspeak type of chat, so others could talk each other through Crypts if they really wanted to.

            I've seen one person go completely alone and usually gets first every single day. Making it random for everyone won't affect that player from flying through it, so your suggestion is only going to affect those very few players who work together with real world communication, which isn't really a good reason for change.
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            • #7
              Are you talking about me? :P

              Nah.. In the beginning though I was getting first every time.

              I probably lost 1st at least 3-4 times I've attended it.
              Last edited by BrotherVT; 07-31-2012, 09:37 PM.
              The King doesn't fall so easily boys


              • #8
                Originally posted by BrotherVT View Post
                Are you talking about me? :P
                Not you, silly. You aren't on time to the event often enough to place every day :P
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                • #9
                  You don't know dat. ._.
                  The King doesn't fall so easily boys


                  • #10
                    Really =.= these players are now 3,and they win crypt EVERY DAY,no one else ever wins,i suggest u just cancel crypt this is ridiculous,on our server crypt is just a way for these three hoggers to earn 2d a day,nothing more...or just really make the teleporters different,or even better.Dont allow parties in crypt =D the 2 will still hog but at least 1 place will be available XD


                    • #11
                      And i thought i was being selfish wanting everyone in crypt to be invisible so no one can cheat following me , apparently you're even worse , what so you can't win so you take the joy away from someone else ? if they coordinate to win , try to do so but you just can't think of any good idea to do so and gm i would appreciate if you'd merge my post with this one or consider the idea because it really gets annoying when people follow you and then steal 2nd and 3rd prize why my friends should've got it <<


                      • #12
                        Oh and meeow use skype or ventrilo or teamspeak stop complaining about not winning


                        • #13
                          cloud why u need to use two accounts to complain?


                          • #14
                            Thank you GMs for talking some logic to this guy, he's been spamming worldchat everyday whining about us "hogging" crypt. However, I don't see him whining about top avernal players "hogging" 1st place in every avernal. He just holds a personal grudge against us and wants to start trouble. I don't think he was complaining when we were considering allowing him in our team, but now I'm glad we didn't. Hopefully now he can stop bugging us and get on with his life.
                            Last edited by Lamentsinner; 08-05-2012, 11:45 PM.


                            • #15
                              Cloud must be rllllllllly mad about not winning crypt.. u even abused the chat glitch to mess us up ^_^its okay u dont win anymore, no one complained when u hogged it
                              Last edited by MemoryLane; 08-06-2012, 12:42 AM. Reason: shortened swears are still swears.
                              Level: decently high
                              BR: decently high

